Department of methodological support of educational programs
- Staff
Oralova Zauresh Mekenbaevna
Head of the Department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior lecturer
Phone: +7 778 364 86 73
Area of responsibility
Management and control over the methodological work of faculties and departments
Work experience: 29yearsEducation:
- International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmed Yassawi: qualification - economist.
- Syrdarya University: Bachelor of Pedagogy and Psychology; Master of Economics
- Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz State University named after I.Arabaev: postgraduate studies
Professional achievements- 2014 - Certificate of honor from the branch of the Nur Otan party in the Maktaral region.
- 2014 - Certificate of honor from the district maslikhat;
- 2017 - Certificate of honor from the branch of the Nur Otan party in South Kazakhstan.
- 2018 - Letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Letters of gratitude from the universityTraining
2019 – Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev
2021 – Research Center for Innovative Educational and Information Technologies
2022 - Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev
2023 – Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of KazakhstanMarketing, Securities market and stock exchange business
Secretary of the University Educational and Methodological Council
Main scientific projects
More than 20 scientific articles published
Appointment times for personal matters science room 203
9:00 - 18:00
Abilova Aliya
Highly qualified specialist of the department of methodological support of educational programs, Senior lecturer, Master's degree
Contacts: +7 701 558 72 40
Area of responsibility:
Performs methodological work on the planning and organization of the educational process
Work experience: 30 yearsEducation:
- International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmed Yassawi: qualification – history
- Khoja Ahmed Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University: Master of HistoryProfessional achievements:
- 2022. For participation in the XXVI scientific and practical conference "New Kazakhstan on the path of renewal and modernization: the results of scientific research of students" dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Mukhtar Auezov
- Letters of thanks from the universityProfessional development: - 2023 – "Astana Jobalary" Center for the Organization of international and republican projects, "Sociology, Political Science" - 2023 – "G-IT COMPANY" LTD
Academic Training and Consulting: History of Kazakhstan, Sociology, political science, Cultural studies, psychology
Membership: -
Main publications: 7 scientific articles have been published
Main research projects: -
Appointment time for personal matters: office: 203
from 9:00 to 18:00
Musa Nurbala Bekbolatkyzy
Specialist of the Department of methodological support of educational programs, Senior lecturer, Master's degree
Contacts: +7 778 209 73 09
Area of responsibility:
Performs methodological work on the planning and organization of the educational process
Work experience: 8 yearsEducation:
2012-2016 Syrdariya university: Bachelor of kazakh language and literature
2016-2018 Master of the kazakh language and literature
Professional achievements:
2022 - Letter of thanks from the University Rector J.Tasheneva
2023 - Letter of thanks from the President of the University J.Tasheneva
2024 - Letter of thanks from the Department of Education of Zhetysu districtProfessional development:
2022-New trends in the development of professional competencies of teachers in educational programs (fundamentals of the modern Kazakh language). 72 hours. Scientific Research Center for Innovative Educational and Information Technologies. Almaty No. 221021-16
2022-Innovative approaches in quality education for advanced training of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 72 hours. The Abai's name. Kazakh National University. Almaty city
2024 - Development of professional competencies of teachers in building the qualimetry of learning assessment results. Republican Scientific, Methodological and Pedagogical Center for Advanced Training. 80 hours. Astana cityMain publications: 9 scientific articles have been published
Appointment times for personal matters science room: 412
from 9:00 to 18:00
- Main goal of the department
Ensuring the quality of the University’s educational activities on the basis of methodological support for the process of implementing the University’s educational programs in accordance with the current objectives of the development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, licensing requirements and accreditation indicators
- Main functions of the department
- Development of methodological documents and participation in the development of local regulations governing educational and methodological activities.
- Analysis of the provision of the educational process with educational and methodological literature, information and library support of educational programs and programs of additional professional competencies, educational and methodological sets for disciplines (courses), modules in accordance with modern requirements for levels of training.
- Development of electronic educational resources, formation of a database of electronic educational and methodological kits for disciplines in accordance with modern requirements for the level of training.
- Control of the development of EMCD and their placement on the educational portal of the university.
- Coordinating the introduction of modern methods, teaching technologies and educational, methodological and didactic materials into the educational process.
- Planning and organization of editorial and publishing activities of the department: planning and preparation for publication of educational and teaching materials on disciplines (modules, courses) assigned to the implementing department.
- Organization and holding of educational and methodological events (conferences, seminars, advanced training courses, competitions, exhibitions, etc.);
- Organization and control of open lectures by leading professors and associate professors of the university.
- Implementation of control over the implementation of teaching staff of individual plans for the section "Educational and methodological work"
- Providing information at the request of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the management of the university on the issues of methodological support of the educational process.
- Implementation within its competence of other functions and responsibilities in accordance with the goals and objectives of the department. - Documents (rules, work instructions)
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? Дипломдық жұмыстың (жобаның) мазмұны мен ұйымдастырылуы
? Оқу және оқу-әдістемелік әдебиеттерді баспаға дайындау
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? Академиялық адалдық кодексі
? «Антиплагиат» жүйесі негізінде жазба жұмыстардың өзіндік орындалуын қамтамасыз ету? Элективті пәндер каталогын дайындау
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? Пәннің оқу жұмыс бағдарламасының (Sillabus) жасалуы мен мазмұнына қойылатын жалпы талаптар
? Практикалық / семинар/ зертханалық сабақтарды өткізуге арналған әдістемелік нұсқауды әзірлеу
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? Қосымша білім беру бағдарламаларының (Мinor) каталогын әзірлеу
? Диплом жұмысын (жобаны) орындауға арналған әдістемелік нұсқау
? Қорытынды аттестаттау өткізу бойынша әдістемелік нұсқау
? Методические рекомендации по организации и проведению лекционных и практических занятий
? Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы
? Өзіндік жұмысты орындау бойынша әдістемелік нұсқаулар
? Кәсіби практиканы өткізуге арналған әдістемелік нұсқау (педагогикалық бағыттары)
? Кәсіби практиканы өткізуге арналған әдістемелік нұсқау (6В02-Өнер және гуманитарлық ғылымдар, 6В03-Әлеуметтік ғылымдар, журналистика және ақпарат, 6В04-Бизнес басқару және құқық, 6В05-Жаратылыстану ғылымдары…)? Оқытудың кредиттік технологиясы бойынша оқу үдерісін ұйымдастыру
? Профессор-оқытушылар құрамының педагогикалық жүктемесін жоспарлау
? Қорытынды аттестаттау
? Дуальды оқытуды ұйымдастыру
? Инклюзивті білім беру
? Білім алушының өзіндік жұмысын ұйымдастыру
? Академиялық кеңес
? Ректорат
? Пәннің оқу-әдістемелік кешені
? Дипломдық жұмыстың (жобаның) мазмұны мен ұйымдастырылуы
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? Оқу және оқу-әдістемелік әдебиеттерді баспаға дайындау
? Кафедраның оқу-әдістемелік секциясы туралы
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? Қосымша білім беру бағдарламаларының (minor) каталогы 2020-2021 оқу жылында қабылданғандар үшін
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? Дипломдық жұмыстың (жобаның) мазмұны мен ұйымдастырылуы
? Диплом жұмыстарын (жоба) қорғау немесе кешенді емтиханды тапсыру кестесі