Department of "Mathematics and Informatics"

Orazov Beksultan Dauletovich
master, senior lecturer
Phone: +7 747 370 7370
About us
The department "Physics, mathematics and digital technologies" was organized in 1998. Now more than ever there is scientific and technological progress, which is rapidly changing the world. Physics is one of the fundamental foundations of this progress. Thousands of scientists around the world are working in this direction and we, being among them, are trying to keep up! We do our part and you have a chance to touch real science and, of course, become a part of it! Studying with us, you get not only knowledge in physics, but also in mathematics! We can proudly declare that 50% of teachers of physics and mathematics of secondary schools in Myrzashol region are graduates of our faculty.
Our teachers not only teach, but also conduct research in the field of higher mathematics and physics. The department has student scientific circles "Integral" and "Young Physicist". During additional classes in the circles, students learn and gain additional knowledge.
The department is equipped with modern computer labs, interactive whiteboards, connected to the Internet. The laboratory for the study of mechanics and molecular physics is equipped with the necessary equipment for conducting experiments, laboratory work to determine the acceleration of gravity using the Atwood machine and to determine the angles between the forces. In the classroom, students freely practice the laws of electricity and voltage and conduct research in their field. The educational process is provided with all the necessary educational and methodological materials, textbooks and literature.
Teachers of the department
The department is a developing team, actively improving all aspects of its pedagogical, methodological and scientific activities. Currently, the department employs 11 teachers, including 1 doctor of sciences (professor), 7 candidates of sciences, 3 masters of sciences.
Every year the teachers of the department improve their qualifications and undergo training in other universities of the country: M.Auezov SKSU, OKMPU.
The teachers of the department are guided by the main directions of research activities, this is the formation of pedagogical methods of teaching mathematics and the methodological foundations of teaching physics. They prepare and publish textbooks, teaching aids, annually replenish the fund of the university library.
Educational programs
The Department prepares specialists for the following educational programs:
1. 6В01501-Training of teachers of mathematics
2. 6В01502-Training of teachers of physics
3. 6В01503-Computer teacher training
Department history
The department was founded in September 1998 and was then called the Department "Mathematics and Informatics". Head of the department is a candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Joldasov Sazakhan. At the department has work specialists such as c.t.s. Zholdasov S.A., d.f.-m.s. Shinibaev M., c.t.s., docent Zhanabaev Z., c.f.-m.s., docent Karasheva G., c.t.s., docent Berdaliev E.B., k.f.-m.s. Kadyrkulov B., k.f.-m.s. Karimov E.
Teaching staff of department regularly engaged in scientific research work, actively participates in actual international and national scientific conferences, develops necessary for the educational process syllabuses, lecture notes, electronic textbooks, teaching materaly for SRSP and self-control students. Since 2006 the department prepares specialists in speciality 6N 010900 - Master of Mathematics. Working training plan of this specialty corresponds to the model program of state standard. Methodology of training provided with all necessary training and methodical documents, books, textbooks and literature.
Teaching staff of department is working on a contract basis. Department works on credit technology beginning with the 2004-2005 academic year. Basic knowledge of all teachers corresponds to teaching disciplines.