Faculty of "Physical education and sports"

Myrzabek Lesbek Alipuly
Dean of the faculty, candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent
✉ E-mail: f-dt-dizain@tashenev.edu.kz
✆ Phone: 8702-344-26-15
The faculty has 4 departments:
Faculty mission:
Satisfying society's demand for highly qualified, innovative thinking, competitive and harmoniously developed specialists with high civic and moral qualities through effective organization and quality organization of education, research and physical training processes.
The faculty strives to become a leader in its field, a scientific and educational center that provides new knowledge in physical education and sports practice, and promotes it, as well as a center that trains highly qualified specialists in the field of domestic medicine. and foreign history.
Qualified specialists with high scientific potential work in the faculty. In June 2021, he successfully passed the specialized special accreditation of the "Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance of Education" for a period of five years.
Educational programs of the faculty
6B01401-Training of physical education teachers
The department includes the "Physical training and sports" department.
The Department of Physical Education and Sports was established in 1998 and is one of the first departments at Syrdarya University. According to the request for state re-registration of a legal entity dated June 23, 2022, Syrdarya University was re-established as a university named after Zhumabek Tashenev.
10 professors work in the Department of Physical Education and Sports. In particular, 1 candidate of science, 7 masters of science, 2 senior lecturers.
Senior lecturer of the department Turebekov B.A. conducts research on the topic “The effectiveness of conducting 3-hour “Physical Education” lessons in primary grades” in district schools and secondary schools in Kyrgyzstan. Research work does not stop there, but develops at the international level. Our students often organize online conferences in the Republic of Tajikistan, the Tajik Pedagogical Institute in Penjikent, Russian Federation, Omsk, State University named after. Dostaevsky, Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports.
There are several sports sections to improve sports achievements: table tennis, freestyle wrestling, basketball, volleyball, football, Kazakh wrestling, handball sections. The university's volleyball, basketball, and football teams take prizes in competitions of various sizes. The department actively participates in district and regional public works.
Directions of scientific research carried out by “Physical Culture and Sports” and departments:
1. New scientific directions and ways of developing mass sports, improving technologies for psychological training of athletes.
2. Introduction of effective ways to develop mass sports.
In the department in the field of science and technology there is a special club “Professional Athlete”. Along with sports, students of the faculty are accustomed to doing science together. Over the past five years, students of the faculty have published 90 scientific publications. Our students regularly participate in the Republican Subject Olympiads held every year.
Our graduates are professional teachers, sports coaches and instructors working in various private and public institutions.
We attach great importance to student research work. The Department of “Physical Culture and Sports” is equipped with specially prepared classrooms “Theories and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports”, “Sports Games”, “Olympic Education” and sports complexes. The department has a special student club “Professional Athlete”. Our students actively participate in Kazakhstani, international and university scientific conferences.
Thanks to the professional qualifications of the teaching staff, students of the department receive theoretical and practical training at a high level and can make competent decisions in the current unstable socio-economic situation.
About the composition of the faculty
The faculty has Department of "Physical Culture and Sport".
Educational programs
The Faculty trains specialists in educational program 6B01401 - "Training of physical education teachers".
Educational program presentations (PDF)
Presentation of the educational program "6B01401-Training of physical education teachers"
The university is actively working on the support and development of sports, sports clubs and circles, sports events are regularly held among students and teachers, for example, family competitions "Tolagai", competitions between faculties and departments. The following types of competitions are used: basketball, volleyball, minifootball, table tennis, chess, relay races, etc.

Many athletes graduates have been successful in the national scale, for example:
- Mamedov is a 3-time winner of the highest league of the Republic of Kazakhstan in volleyball, team member "Kazgurt" volleyball;
- Chaktauova A. - master of sports, the champion of Kazakhstan tekvan-up;
- S Orynbaev. - The master of sports, the champion of the Republic of Kazakhstan in karate-do Shotokan.
- Aituganov Bolysbek S. and M. - 2-time champion of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the national sport Kokpar (Pavlodar, 2013 and Zhambyl, 2014)
- Syrdariya team volleyball team the winner of district and regional competitions.
The university is actively working on support and development of sports, sports clubs and societies, holds regular sports activities among students and teachers, such as family events "Tolagay" competition between faculties and departments. As used types of competitions: basketball, volleyball, mini football, table tennis, chess, relays, etc ..
DOCUMENTS ON EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS 1. Educational-methodical complex in disciplines (2-3 disciplines) 2. An individual teacher's plan 3. Report of the department on research, research work 4. Documents on advanced training of teachers, including abroad 5. Information about the employment of graduates 6. List of teachers' publications 7. List of educational and methodological literature issued by the teaching staff 8. Practice agreements 9. Protocols of agreement with employers of elective disciplines 10. Report on international cooperation 11. Information on interaction with employers 12. Specialized rooms and laboratories of the educational program (name, purpose, equipment, needs) 13. Orders for the approval of theses of thesis, scientific advisers and reviewers 14. Graduate thesis 15. Plan of methodical work of the department 16. Plan of educational work of the department 17. Protocols of analysis of open classes |
"6В01403-Training of teachers of drawing and art work"
"6В01402 - Training of music teachers"
Videos. Material and technical base of the faculty.
1. Educational program "Design" https://youtu.be/8zcUTPoTE-4
2. Educational program for the training of teachers of arts and crafts https://youtu.be/Q032cAlHacY
3. Music Teacher Education Program https://youtu.be/YpqpbwPVy64
4. Promotional video about the faculty https://youtu.be/ikUBjmbPvw0
5. Promotional video about music education https://youtu.be/A66Kjxb8Bbw
6. Visual Arts and Design Promotional Video https://youtu.be/ViklETQwCOo
Mass media about the faculty and the department
7 СЫР №13 (452) 06.04.2018. "Музыкалық білім" кафедрасында. Алимова А.
7 СЫР №13 (452) 06.04.2018. Адами капитал - білім саласын дамыту негізі. Сапарбаева Ұ.
7 СЫР №15 (454) 20.04.2018. Жетісайдың Нұрғисасы - Бөрі Иса. Қосан Ғ.
7 СЫР №15 (454) 20.04.2018. Ой танымымды жетілдірудемін. Піләл Ж.
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