Department of "Physical education and sports"

Inkarbekov Daniyar Bazarkhanuly
Acting head of the department, master, senior teacher
✆ Phone: + 7702-502-44-52
✉ E-mail:
Education: Higher
"Syrdariya" University, 5B010800 - Physical education and sports specialty
Scientific or academic degree, position:
Master of Pedagogical Sciences, senior teacher.
Acting head of the department "Physical training".
Subjects taught:
Methodology of teaching volleyball, theory and methodology of children and teenagers and professional sports
Professional achievements:
- Diploma of South Kazakhstan regional maslikhat for many years of fruitful work and high achievements in the field of education and science (2023)
- Diploma from the Head of Physical Education and Sports Department of Turkestan Region (2018)
Author of more than 20 scientific articles, 1 textbook, 1 e-textbook, 2 methodological manuals.
- Teachers of the department
High-quality teaching staff serving in the department, their basic education meets the qualification requirements.
1. Алтынбекова Багила Сакибековна
2. Ахметов Мадияр Куанышбекович
3. Касымбеков Болысбек Бердибекович
4. Козбаев Ерлан Усербаевич
5. Іңкәрбеков Данияр Базарханұлы
6. Маханбетова Аяулым Қожантайқызы
7. Молдабеков Ерлан Онласынович
8. Мильдоходжаева Гульсун Сейдалиевна
9. Мырзабек Лесбек Әліпұлы
10. Муталиев Бекарыс Турдикулович
11. Сапарбеков Нурмухан Сапакович
12.Талдыбек Сұңқар Еркебұланұлы
13. Туребеков Биржан Анарбекович
14. Юсупов Алымжан Равшанович
15. Нұржан Нұрбақыт Нұржанұлы
16. Шекербек Сәкен Құрманғазыұлы - General information
"Physical training and sports" department was established in 1998 and is one of the first departments of "Syrdariya" University. Physical education and sports specialists are trained here. Our graduates are professional teachers, coaches and instructors of various sports working in various private and public institutions.
We attach great importance to the research work of students. The "Physical training and sports" department is equipped with specially prepared "Physical training and sports theory and methodology", "Spartakiade", "Olympic education" rooms and sports complexes. A special student club "Professional-athlete" works near the department.
In order to increase sports achievements, several sports circles work in the department: Table tennis, Freestyle wrestling, Basketball, Volleyball, Football, Kazakh wrestling, Handball, "Tashenev" team participates in various competitions.
Our students actively participate in Kazakh, international and university research conferences. Thanks to the professionalism of the teaching staff, the students of the department have a high level of theoretical and practical knowledge and are able to make competent decisions in today's changing socio-economic environment.
Starting from the 2022-2023 academic year, students of the educational program 6B01401 - Training of physical education teachers, Shymkent city Z.A. He continues his studies at Tashenev University. In 2024, by the decision of the meeting of the Scientific Council No. 1, the department of "Physical Education" was established at the Faculty of "Sports and Physical Education". The department prepares bachelors on educational programs "6В01401-Training of physical education teachers" and conducts physical education classes for all students of the faculty.
- Educational and methodological work
Electronic content and test database have been developed for all subjects of the educational program, which are constantly updated. Teachers actively use the resources of the website to provide students with distance learning technology: assignments for students in a private classroom, schedules for submitting them, additional materials that contribute to the mastery of the subject, exam preparation questions, test tasks for subjects, cases on blind assessment technology will be placed.
Various forms and methods of professional development are used: courses, seminars, conferences, trainings, etc. It examines the organization of the educational process, the educational and methodological support of the educational process, and the introduction of new pedagogical technologies.
In order to ensure international recognition of national educational programs, create conditions for the mobility of students and teaching staff of the university, and improve the quality of education, it is carried out by credit technology.
Schedules for preparation of educational-methodical complexes and organization and holding of open classes with teaching staff were prepared in the department. - International communication
The international relations department maintains close relations with several foreign countries.
In particular:
I. Kyrgyz State University named after Arabayev (Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek);
Uzbek State University of Physical Education and Sports (Uzbekistan, Shyrshik city);
Pedagogical Institute of the Republic of Tajikistan (Penjikent);
University named after Dostaevsky (Russian Federation, city of Omby).
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