Information and Education Center

Tastybaeva Raikhan Koshkarbaevna
Head of Information Education Center
Phone: +7 775 627 5277
In 1998 she graduated from South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov, specializing in Library Science and Bibliography, received a diploma with the qualification of a librarian-bibliographer. In 2001-2004 she graduated from South Kazakhstan Open University with a degree in philology, full-time teacher of the Kazakh language and literature. In 2017, she was awarded with degree Master of Science in the specialty 6M091000 - “Librarianship” of SKSU named after M. Auezov. Since September 2022, he has been the head of the Educational and Information Center of the University named after Zhumabek Tashenev.
The formation and development of the Information and Educational Center is closely connected with the history and development of our university.
The first stage in the history of the library began with the opening of the Syrdarya University in Jetysay in 1998. In 2022, on November 10, the university was reorganized, upgraded in status and renamed the University named after Zhumabek Tashenev. As a structural subdivision of the university, the Information and Education Center is a center that provides the necessary information for using its diverse book fund in the educational process. Changes in the education system in the country set new requirements for the educational process of higher education. Library service is a high demand of users to fulfill their wishes and provide the necessary information.
Zhumabek Tashenev University is a university in the field of training highly qualified specialists recognized throughout the world. One of the ways to improve the quality of teaching is the introduction of innovative teaching and training technologies, integration with foreign countries, and so on. Being the leading structural subdivision of the university in the implementation of these tasks, the IOC contributes to the provision of books and electronic resources for the educational process and scientific research of consumers.
As you know, the information space and the possibilities for it are endless.
Therefore, the organization of the activities of the Information Center is modern, and its quality and efficiency determine not only its future, but also the future of the university.
The IOC has a unique and multi-purpose book fund, which is the center of the educational and cultural activities of the university.
Teachers, students and undergraduates of the university are served
3 IOC employees.
Users are provided with 3 reading rooms and a subscription.
All reading rooms have open access to all information resources.
1. Reading room open access
2. Reading room of periodicals and electronic textbooks
3. Electronic reading room
4. Subscription
Completion department. The path to the reader's book begins with this section. Currently, the book fund in the state language is especially popular. The main issue on the agenda is to provide the university with textbooks, the high quality of the library fund, and replenishment of the fund with scarce literature. The main goal of the department is to replenish the library fund in close connection with the scientific findings of the university and various sources for compiling and matching the profile of academic disciplines. The library collects its resources through additional replenishment: publications from the university press and charitable foundation, book exchange, periodicals. The book fund is provided with textbooks, teaching aids and scientific, educational and methodological documents and electronic media resources.
Every year new educational and methodological manuals of the university faculty are published, and a subscription is also maintained to periodicals of the new name.
Department of scientific processing and systematization of documents. The main activity of the department is the provision by the library of resources with the help of a reference and search apparatus, in the traditional and automated system of scientific literature, cataloging, technical processing of new literature and other documents received by the fund. The department organizes and edits the catalog of the library, maintains thematic file cabinets.
Reader Service Department. Due to its characteristics, the library has five reading rooms, including a reading room with periodicals and an electronic reading room. Their main functions are: providing the educational process with literature and providing readers with high-quality and fast service. It offers users special books, magazines, foreign literature, economic-pedagogical, psychological and legal literature and documents at the expense of auxiliary and specialized funds.
Subscription. By subscribing to textbooks and fiction, readers are provided with the necessary textbooks for the semester. Kazakh, Russian, foreign classics and fiction books of contemporaries are especially popular.
In each new academic year, we set ourselves new goals and new tasks. We are ready to create a qualitatively new information service based on digital technologies for the faculty and students of the university.
Reading room. An important principle of the reading room is the efficiency and accuracy of fulfilling users' orders for the necessary literature, which makes up the entire diversity of the library's book fund. The beauty and convenience of the open access reading room create a favorable environment for creativity. Here you can find many textbooks and dictionaries in foreign languages, periodicals in foreign languages
(English, German, Uzbek, Turkish, French), a collection of valuable foreign literature. The universal and sectoral encyclopedic fund fully satisfies the wishes of users and draws special attention from students.
Reading room of periodicals. Subscription to newspapers and magazines is organized during the educational process on the profiles of all educational programs as an additional tool. All signed periodicals of the Republic of Kazakhstan are processed and registered in the KABIS electronic catalog under the heading "Periodicals". The most up-to-date information can be found by our users in periodicals that are collected in all fields of knowledge.
Center for Electronic Resources. The university has its own electronic library
Electronic textbooks today are an integral part of information resources. Qualified specialists provide users with quick and high-quality consultations by e-mail, electronic catalog, the Internet and teach them how to work correctly and competently with databases of electronic resources. The scientific works of the teaching staff of the university, electronic textbooks, special educational programs, EMCD, databases (multimedia encyclopedias, dictionaries) are kept.
Developing a modern scientific and educational process, the IOC implements a support system for electronic information resources, actively works for all readers to find the necessary materials and make their work more comfortable.
As part of the university's access to the Internet, a local computer network and an electronic reading room for users were created. Expanding the information space, new computer technologies and services are being introduced and improved, programs for library automation are being developed, a database of electronic catalogs is being created, and KABIS software is being developed.
Electronic catalogs make a great contribution to the student learning process, as they allow you to quickly get information about existing documents in the library fund, select a list of necessary textbooks on a given topic, quickly find out about published articles in newspapers and magazines, and save time for your readers.
At the same time, students, teachers and staff of the university are provided with free use of the Internet, as well as the use of an electronic reading room, wide and free use of the resources of domestic electronic libraries. An agreement was concluded with the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library (RMEB), which also allows providing access to information necessary for the educational process and making full use of their book fund. Access to the database of electronic catalogs of the library, access to information resources of the RMEB is available on our website. Agreements with various Kazakhstani and foreign databases provide a great opportunity to use the latest literature for university teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates and students in the framework of the main programs. It is also possible to send materials in electronic form, digital media to students by personal e-mail based on their request. Due to the growing demand for e-books, the number of e-books in the library is increasing every year.
Mass educational work. The information and educational center is an important part of the educational work of the university, the center of spiritual culture and education. The JRC holds literary and musical evenings, meetings with poets and writers, conferences, debates and presentations of new books. IOC employees are trained in advanced training courses, attend meetings, trainings, round tables, business games and conferences. They actively participate in competitions, programs and projects organized by the university. The performance of library staff is reflected in the success of their professional development. Our main goal is to meet the demands of our readers with a huge amount of new information and new technologies.