Office Registrar

Junisova Aknur Atymtaeyvna
Head of department
Cabinet: 115A
Opening hours: from 9:00 to 18:00
Reception hours: from 9:00 to 18:00
✆ Phone: 87014409207
✉ E-mail:
International Kazakh-Turkish University
Specialty: “Pedagogy and methods of primary education”, Master of Pedagogical Sciences.
Monitoring compliance with academic rules and procedures, registration of students in compulsory and elective disciplines, maintaining the history of educational achievements and calculating the academic rating of students throughout the entire period of study.
Organization, implementation and control of work on maintaining records and movement of the student population (transfer, reinstatement, expulsion) and registration and processing of orders for the university management, activities for receiving personal files of students from the admissions committee, formation, maintenance and storage of personal files.
- About the department
Registration and Student Office - oversees the observance of academic rules and procedures, registers students in compulsory and elective subjects, keeps a history of educational achievements and calculates the academic rating of students throughout the study period, organizes intermediate and final control of education, and receives and stores personal records of students. department that takes into account the movement of students.
Duties of the Registration and Student Office Department:
- creation and monitoring of the academic calendar;
- organizing the process of registration and re-registration of students by academic subjects;
- ensuring the correctness and confidentiality of students' documents, records of monitoring students' education;
- managing and organizing the work of BBB advisors on the implementation of the individual learning trajectory of students;
- calculation of students' academic rating;
- registration and accounting of the history of educational achievements of students during the entire period of study;
- restoration and transfer of students' transcripts;
- forming and recording the contingent of university students in all forms of education;
- organizing a summer semester to eliminate additional training needs and academic debts, differences in the curriculum;
- providing duplicates of documents on higher and post-graduate education, providing academic mobility services;
- Platonus, working in the system of NBDS;
- organization and storage of students' personal documents;
- organization of acceptance of documents of students transferred from other universities;
- organization and acceptance of documents of students entering the 1st year of the university;
- providing timely information to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the state reporting forms on the movement of the contingent of students; (3-NK) - Team
- Kosmuratova Manzura Smatullaevna - Deputy Head of Department
- Tagaeva Alma Akilbekovna Chief specialist
- Jumagulova Aigul Nysanbekovna Chief specialist
- Anarbay Dilmira Muhidinovna Chief specialist
- Taspulatov Bolat Askarovich Chief administrator
- Abilkhan Zhansaya Bauyrzhanovna Statistician
- Nurzat Ruslan Nurbekuly Highly qualified specialist
- Oral Asem Bazarbayovna Highly qualified specialist
- Agaidarov Yerlan Seyithanuly Highly qualified specialist
- Shamshibai Bakdaulet Aldiyarully Highly qualified specialist
- Adilkhan Tolganay Bakytkovna Highly qualified specialist
- Beisenbaev Batyrkhan Zhanibekuly Highly qualified specialist, programmer
- Documents
1. Students Guide-books
2. Current monitoring and intermediate certification of the progress of students
3. Policy on recognition of learning outcomes obtained through formal and non-formal education
5. Summer semester enrollment application
6. Subject selection application
7. Appeal form for technical reasons
9. Rules for assigning and paying scholarships to state educational grant holders
10. The procedure for choosing the personal educational trajectory of students
- Exam schedules
Schedule for the 1st and 2nd semesters of the 2022-2023 academic year
Schedule for the 1st semester
1. ? Faculty of Pedagogy and Philology2. ? Faculty of Technology and Design
3. ? Faculty of Physical Culture and sport
4. ? Faculty "IT and Economics"
? Online appointment booking form with a representative of the registration office