Department of "Russian and Uzbek languages"

Umaralieva Madina Adilbekovna

Head of the department "Russian and Uzbek languages".
candidate of philological sciences, senior teacher

✆ Phone: +7 702 286 8979

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About the department

In August 2024, due to the change in the status of the university and the reorganization of structural units, the "Foreign languages" department was separated and renamed the "Russian and Uzbek languages" department.
Botabaeva Zhanna Nuralykyzy, candidate of philological sciences, was appointed the head of the "Russian and Uzbek languages" department, and a new high-quality teaching staff including experienced pedagogues-philologists was formed.

The department "Foreign languages" is one of the departments with its own history and established tradition, which has been operating since September 1998. The department has gone through many changes and reconstructions that require highly qualified management who are leading specialists in the field of teaching foreign languages. The first head of the department was an experienced teacher, scientist, Ph.D. M.S. Zylkyshiyeva was.
In 1998-2004, such well-known scientists as Ph.D., Associate Professor G.G. Erkebaeva, Ph.D., Associate Professor S.Z.Masharipov, Ph.D., Associate Professor G.T.Musabekova led.
Since October 2004, it has been divided into "Russian language and literature" and "Foreign languages" departments.
From September 2008, the "Languages" department was headed by Ph.D., associate professor N.K. Zharkymbekova, from September 2012, the "Languages" department was headed by Ph.D., professor N. Mynbaev, from September 2016, the "Languages" department was headed Ph.D., Senior Lecturer H.M. led by Makhmatkulov.
In the academic year 2017-2018, specialty 5В011800-"Russian language and literature" was established on the basis of the department. In order to prepare students in the department for deep learning of the language, knowledgeable, professionally competent, competitive, able to make independent decisions in the choice situation, characterized by the mobility of the educational space, with a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, its socio-economic development, different cultures, philological sciences doctor, professor N.Ya. Mynbaev, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor V.V. Avdonin and others, qualified teachers worked.
In the academic year 2022-2023, our university was changed to the university named after Zhumabek Akhmetuliy Tashenev, and the current department was replaced by the "Philology" department. Zhanna Nuraliyevna Botabaeva, candidate of philological sciences, was appointed the head of the department.

Educational programs of the department

Department 6B01702- "Training of Russian language and literature teachers", 6B01703 - "Foreign language: training of teachers of two foreign languages", 7M01702- "Foreign language: training of teachers of two foreign languages" 7M01702- "Foreign language: training of teachers of two foreign languages" Specialists are trained in transfer programs. The difference of these educational programs from other educational programs is that, taking into account the level of international standards for the formation of foreign language competences of learners, as a teacher of two foreign languages, familiarization with the scientific and methodological literature, familiarization with the experience of foreign language education, summarizing it, conducting experiments by introducing the results into the educational process, forms a person with a highly developed organizational-management, social-pedagogical attitude and thinking ability.
At the same time, specialists who know how to use various pedagogical technologies, aim to form the qualities of the subject of intercultural communication, organize pedagogical activity correctly from a psychological and methodological point of view, master foreign languages, Russian language and literature, and master multimedia and technical means of teaching are trained.
Generally speaking, the future opportunities of these professions are huge. Because nowadays, learning foreign languages ​​is becoming more and more important every year. The process of globalization can be said to be a proof of this.

6B01702 - "Training of teachers of Russian language and literature"

The main goal of BP: to train competitive pedagogical personnel in Russian language and literature as individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to ensure the training of quality specialists in the context of updating the content of secondary education on the basis of modern innovative technologies.

Features of EB: The main advantage of the program is related to the wide professional opportunities offered to the graduate, ensuring a high percentage of employment in the profession regardless of the labor market situation, formation of professional competences and competitiveness of graduates who are able to study. expanding the range of opportunities for their professional activities that provide guaranteed employment

Career and work, (field of service)

Job and career prospects:
• in general educational organizations - secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums;
• in research centers (junior researcher);
• in language courses
• as a translator

7M01701 - "Training of teachers of Russian language and literature"

The main goal of the OP

The purpose of training is to teach undergraduates research and practical methods of analyzing modern philological processes and phenomena.

Features of OS: The educational program prepares masters in the specialty "Russian language and literature", provides training of highly qualified pedagogical personnel in demand in the labor market in the field of language and literature, formation of systematic knowledge in the field of Russian language and literature. To introduce the use of innovative technologies in scientific and humanitarian subjects and their teaching, to improve the knowledge of fundamental and applied directions of linguistics and literature for the teacher of the subject of Russian language and literature of the university.

Career and work, (field of service) T Work and career prospects:
• Subject teacher in general education schools, lyceums and gymnasiums and universities;
• Subject teacher in technical and professional, post-secondary educational organizations;
• Junior researcher of scientific institutions;
• Teacher in special educational centers and secondary special colleges;
• Literary consultant in literary and cultural institutions, publishing houses;
• Conductor of general education schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, institutions directly related to his profession;
• Clerk in government bodies, various enterprises, enterprises, documentation and procedure departments;
• Can work as a translator in foreign companies and translation agencies.

Teachers of the department
  1. Аbzalova Galiya Alikovna
  2. Jumabaeva Gulmira Rakhmatullaevna
  3. Kozhakhmetova Gulgan Bektaevna
  4. Botabaeva Janna Nuralievna
  5. Ergeshbaeva Shynar Nalhodjaevna
  6. Umaralieva Madina Adilbekovna
  7. Kemelova Gulhan Meimankulovna
  8. Azbergenova Zaure Ospanovna
  9. Asilbekova Bibigul Djienbekovna
  10. Aidarbekova Aliya Sarybaevna
  11. Tokmuratov Abdihan Majanovich
  12. Kyrkinbaeva Mira Bazarbaevna
  13. Abisheva Roza Berdalievna
  14. Stycheva Olga Andreevna
  15. Kalzhanova Altynay Kenzhemuratovna
  16. Конкабаева Гульназ Берикқызы
  17. Naralieva Shakhlo Dzhamalovna
  18. Musaeva Azadakhan Mubarakovna
  19. Abdaliev Farrukhbek Namadzhanovich
  20. Yuldasheva Gulnaza Abdivalievna
Methodological work in the department

Educational-methodical works are carried out in accordance with the requirements and regulations of JSC "University named after Zhumabek Akhmetovich Tashenev". In this regard, the department's educational system is made using innovative methods of teaching (modular teaching principle, use of point-rating system, competence approach, etc.). This includes a greater focus on developing cognitive-communicative skills.



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