Faculty of "Pedagogical and natural sciences"

Mamyt Amangeldy Altybayuly
Dean of the faculty, candidate of philological sciences, docent
Phone: +7 702 596 6830
E-mail: info@tashenev.edu.kz
The faculty has 4 departments:
- "Mathematics and Informatics",
- "Chemistry and Biology",
- "Kazakh language and literature"
- "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education"
- History of faculty
Since 2023, it has been renamed the Faculty of Pedagogical and Natural Sciences. Dean of the Faculty Karsybaev Bastarbek Tokhtarovich. The faculty includes three departments.
Faculty "Art" was opened in 2003. The faculty consists of faculty "Pedagogy", "Music education" and "Fine arts and drawing".
The head of of the Faculty has been a senior lecturer Ashimova Meruert.
In 2005, the faculty was called "Psychology and Economics", it consisted of the department of "Economy", "Music and Singing" and "Fine arts and drawing", led by the Dean of the Faculty of Baimakhanov Kenzhemyrza.In 2006, the department was renamed the "Culture and Sport", it was composed of faculty "Physical culture and sport", "Music education" and "Art and Design". The dean of the faculty was PhD Myrzabek Lesbekov.
In 2007, the Department "Culture and Sport" was renamed the Faculty of "Art" and was renamed in 2008 in "Art", ran the faculty PhD Bolysbaev D.S.
In 2009, the faculty was called "Vocational Education and Art", ruled the Department Associate Professor Saparbayev W.
Since 2014 the Faculty was renamed the Faculty of "Creativity and new technologies."The faculty has 35 scientific-pedagogical personnel, including 2 professors, 1 doctor of sciences, 6 candidates of sciences and 8 associate professors, 6 senior lecturers and 9 teachers who teach classes with the youth.
At the disposal of the faculty are 2 lecture halls, 25 classrooms, 11 private rooms, 4 cabinet cathedral and 2 scientific school office.
The dean of the Faculty, and three departments are 8 PCs. - Еducational programs
The faculty has 11 educational programs:
- 6B01501-Mathematics teacher training
- 6B01502-Training of physics teachers
- 6B01503-Training of computer science teachers
- 6B01507-Chemistry-Biology- teacher training
- 6B01504-Training of chemistry teachers
- 6B01509-Geography-History teacher training
- 6B01510-Training of Biology-Geography teachers
- 6B01505-Biology-- teacher training
- 6B05101-Biology
- 6B01601-Training of history teachers
- 6B01506-Geography teacher training
A total of 1146 students study at the faculty.
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