Department of "Law and Business"

Bizhan Nurlan Rakhfanovich
Head of the "Law and Business" department
Phone: +7 701 114 2121
- Department history
"Economics" department was founded in 1998. From 1998 to 2004, the department was headed by associate professor N. B. Otkelbayev, associate professor E. Toremuratov. Since September, 2004, the department has been managed by associate professor B. Serikov led. From 1998 to 2010, the chair of "Jurisprudence" was taught by associate professor, senior teacher B. Sakhov, PhD, professor T. Zhumanov, Ph.D., Professor K. Akhmetov, senior lecturer A.A. Suttibayeva was in charge. "Economics and Law" department was reorganized in September 2011 on the basis of "Jurisprudence" and "Economics" departments. Head of the department, senior lecturer A.A. It was Suttibayeva. From September of the 2014-2015 academic year, B. Serikov, doctor of economics, professor, winner of the 2013 "Best University Teacher" grant, was appointed as the head of the "Economics and Law" department.
Currently, the Department of "Economics and Law" is divided into two, and the head of the Department of "Law and Business" is M.A. Zakirova M.R. is performing. The department participates in scientific and practical conferences of the international and republican level, regularly publishes educational and methodological materials along with scientific and research articles on the pages of scientific publications. - Teachers of the department
1. Klara Moldagalievna Uysynbaeva
2. Bitursyn Galymzhan Shamshidinuly
3. Usenov Sanzhar Isakhanovich
4. Ibraimova Nargiza Talgatovna
5. Zakirova Meruert Rasilbekovna
6. Ergebekova Akbota Orazbayevna
7. Mamadiyar Danagul Bakhtiyarovna
8. Kenzhebaev Nurzhan Arystanuly
9. Ulykbekov Nurislam Kairatovich
10. Tatimova Marta Nurlanovna
11. Tultabayev Zulfikar Chumanovich
- Educational programs of the department
Educational programs of the "Law and Business" department
• 6B04201 - "Jurisprudence"
• 6B04202 - "Business and Law"
• 6B04203 - "Legal regulation of administrative and economic activity"
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