Department of "Kazakh language and literature"

Zhantasova Zilikha Turarkyzy

Head of the department, candidate of philological sciences, docent

✆ Telephone: +7 775 161 2509

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About the department

The history of the department begins on October 1, 1999. The department trains teachers of the Kazakh language and literature, Uzbek language and literature. In the field of education, a teacher of the Kazakh language and literature, Uzbek language and literature, capable of forming systemic knowledge, having the ability to organize the educational process at the level of modern requirements, can conduct scientific research, design work, and is constantly engaged in training.
The main goal of the department is the integration of education and science based on the conceptual principles of education, humanization, informatization and integration, as well as ensuring the integration of education and training, personal self-development in the educational process, organization and conduct of educational activities.

A student who has received a bachelor's degree in the educational program "Kazakh Language and Literature", "Uzbek Language and Literature" can work in educational institutions, publishing and periodical media, libraries, in all types of secondary educational institutions, technical and professional educational organizations, specialized schools and schools (gymnasiums, lyceums) and special schools (colleges).

The main professional meaning of the Librarianship profession is to search, process, store, distribute, use and advise users of information using various methods, including interactive communication. The library industry as a center of information and knowledge, knowing how to provide, search and retrieve information, librarians must be, first of all, masters of their craft, armed with high information knowledge, generalist specialists.
The department pays special attention to the development of students' intellectual and creative abilities, as well as critical thinking. The classrooms of the departments “Kazakh Language and Literature”, “Abaytanu”, “Center for Uzbek Language and Literature” are equipped with interactive whiteboards and modern equipment.

Teachers of the department

The scientific level of the department's teachers is high. The department employs 23 qualified teachers and scientists. Of these, 3 associate professors, 1 associate professor, 5 candidates of science, 1 PhD, 5 masters of science work.
The head of the department, Zhilykha Turarovna Zhantasova, is a member of the Writers’ Union of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the presenter of the author’s program “Meyirim Munarasy”.
Associate Professor of the Department Abenova Lazzat Usmanovina was recognized as the “Best University Teacher” in 2021.
Mamyt Amangeldy Altybayuly, Ph.D., senior lecturer of the department, was awarded the nomination “Best Teacher-23” 2023.
Professors and teachers of the department conduct scientific research on current issues of modern Kazakh linguistics and literature. According to annual plans, the department participates in domestic and foreign scientific and practical conferences, publishes scientific publications, articles, educational materials, monographs. The staff of the Department of Languages and Literature does a lot of work to train qualified specialists working in the field of education, science, culture and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1. Аbenova Lassat Usmankyzy
2. Akkuzov Abdyzhalil Abutalipovich
3. Arynbaeva Rana
4. Zhantasova Zylikha
5. Baibolova Aizhan
6. Mamyt Amangeldy
7. Ganiev Salimzhan
8. Nurpeisov Nariman
9. Naralieva Shahlo
10. Musaeva Azadahan
11. Musaeva Suikum
12. Shamadieva Ryskhy
13. Kalybekov Bolat
14. Smail Akmaral
15. Syrailova Faliza
16. Satkulova Karlygash
17. Tastybaeva Raikhan
18. Tagaeva Almagul
19. Kukeeva Mira
20. Abdaliev Farruhbek
21. Bekmyrza Sulushash
22. Turehanova Aktolkyn
23. Sharipov Rustam

Educational programs of the department

The department trains specialists in the following educational programs:
Bachelor's programs:

- 5В011700 – “Kazakh language and literature” / 6В01701 – “Training of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature”

- 6В01704 - “Training of teachers of Uzbek language and literature”

- 5B091000 – “Library Science” / 6B03201 – “Library Science”

- 7М01701 - “Training of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature”

- 7М01704 – “Training of teachers of the Uzbek language and literature.”

Master's programs:

7М01701 – “Training of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature”

7М01704 – “Training of teachers of Uzbek language and literature”


At the Department of Languages and Literature, teachers publish articles for Scopus magazine.

1. Linguistic terminology and ethno-cultural features of the linguistic picture of the world. Mukhametkaliyeva Gulnar. Al farabi Kazakh national university. Tulebayeva Kuralay. Candidate of philological sciences, Alikhan Bokeikhan University, Semey, Kazakhstan. Abenova Lazzat candidate of philological sciences, Zhumabek Akhmetuly Tashenev university, associate professor of “Languages and literature” department. Kurdish Studies vol. 11 no. Cборник материалов МНПК «Адаптация растениеводства к условиям глобального изменения климата: проблемы и пути решения» 24-25.06.2023 С.171-173
2. Tracing the history of the detective genre in a literature a qualitive study based on interviews with literary critics.
Ainagul Zhunussova1a ,Shynar Kenesbayeva2b ,Gulnaz Tulekova3c ,Nariman Nurpeissov4d, Rakhymzhan Turysbek5a
Журнал: International journal of society. Culture & LanguageIJS25.06.2023С.271-273
3. Some features of the meaning  literary text in the pragmalinguistic aspect.
Ainur Akkuzovа, Zhamal Mankeyeva , Abdyzhalil Akkuzov, Ulbossyn Kaiyrbekova, Raushan Baiymbetova. Журнал: OPCION 34, но85-2  ISSN 1012-1587 ISSNe 2477-9385
4. Айткулова А.А., Жантасова З.Т. Тhe Соncept of «Diligence|Laziness» in  the Linguistic  Image  of  the  World. International Journal of Culture.- Мay 2023, page 95-104

Books and electronic publications

The following textbooks from the department have been published recently:

1. Abenova L.U.   Әдебиет  тарихы. Оқулық.-Алматы: «Эверо» баспасы, 2023,  202-б.
2. ф.ғ.к., доцент  Мамыт А,А, Халық ауыз  әдебиеті. Оқу  құралы. Алматы: «Әлем» баспасы, 2024, 116-б.
3. Аға оқытушы Арынбаева Р.А.  «М.Әуезов- қазақ әдебиетінің  тарихын  зерттеуші»  
4. Аккөзов Ә. Ә «Сын есімдердің жұмсалымы» монография. Алматы. 2024 ж
5. Әбенова Л.У. Куәлік. "Қазіргі қазақ әдебиетіндегі роман-эссе жанрының ерекшеліктері және авторлық ұстаным"

6. Байболова А.Ж., Туғанбай А.П. Куәлік. Мәшhүр Жүсіп өлеңдерінің жанрлық сипаты

Electronic publications

? Азимов И. Шарқ тиллари ва эски узбек езуви (І қисм). Алматы: Эверо, 2021, 292 б.
? Азимов И. Шарқ тиллари ва эски узбек езуви (ІІ қисм). Алматы: Эверо, 2021, 392 б.
? Dadaboyev, H. O'zbek terminologiyasi. Toshkent: Nodirabegim, 2020, 144 б.
? Искандарова, Ш., Наралиева, Ш. Умумий тилшунослик. Шымкент: Classic, 2023, 187 б.
? Бегалиев М.Қ. Узбек тилининг қорабулоқ шеваси лексикаси. Toshkent: IQTISOD-MOLIYA, 2007, 127 б.
? Рахмонов, Н. Узбек адабиёти тарихи: Хажми 1. Алматы: ЭСПИ, 2021, 188 б.
? Рахмонов Н. Узбек Адабиёти тарихи: Хажми 2. Алматы: ЭСПИ, 2021, 200 б.
? Рахмонов Н. Узбек Адабиёти тарихи: Хажми 3. Алматы: ЭСПИ, 2021, 260 б.
? Хамроева, Х. Нотиқлик Санъати. Алматы: Эпиграф, 2022, 180 б.

Student research work

Students are trained in research skills to ensure quality education.
Competent writing in the Kazakh language, artistic speech, and creative thinking are formed through the active participation of students in research work at the university.
This is one of the most important and effective means of continuing and deepening the educational process, improving the quality of training of specialists with higher education.
The goal of students' scientific work is to move from mastering ready-made knowledge to mastering new teaching methods, mastering the skills of independent analysis of creativity using scientific methods.
The main tasks of students’ scientific work:
• development of creative and analytical thinking, expansion of scientific thinking;
• formation of permanent skills of independent research work;
• improving the quality of mastery of taught subjects;
• development of the ability to use theoretical knowledge and modern methods of scientific research in teaching the Kazakh language and literature, Uzbek language and literature.
Extracurricular research activities of students include:
• work in a scientific circle created by the department;
• participation in research work on the topics of the department;
• Presentation of reports and messages at scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical conferences held at universities;
• Participation in internal, interuniversity and republican Olympiads and competitions for the best scientific work;
• preparation of publications based on the results of the research;
“The main content of the club’s activities is conducting scientific research outside of classes on a specific topic of the department.
As part of the club's work, the preparation of scientific reports and communications is ensured, listening and discussing them at club meetings, presenting the best student works at competitions and conferences, involving professors and teachers of the department in organizing work with students, organizing meetings of club members with practical employees. Students also take part in republican subject Olympiads held annually.
The department has a scientific circle, attended by teachers and students engaged in scientific research.

Educational work of the department

The department promotes the creation of moral principles of learning, a reasonable environment conducive to the formation of professional competence of students. The goal of this work is to train students who have an active citizenship and meet the needs and expectations of modern society.
Educational seminars and round tables are held to develop a sense of patriotism, morality and spiritual development among young people. These events are of great importance.


The department operates 3 courses:

1. "Passionate Reader"
2. "Young Researcher"
3. "Young Writer"


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