Satkulova Karlygash Moldabekkyzy

Туған жылы, күні, айы, жері:    27.07.1987ж., Төлеби  ауданы,  Диханкөл ауылы

Ұлты     Қазақ

Отбасылық жағдайы    Тұрмыс құрмаған

Мекен-жайы    Шымкент қ., Север мөлтек ауданы, 58 үй, 46 пәтер

Телефоны:     8 702 764 67 68


1) Kazakh language and literature (bachelor),
2) Kazakh language and literature (master's degree) 3)
Computer literacy Internet, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point.

Personal characteristics

Management, organizational ability, tendency to establish relationships with people, restraint, purposefulness.
Education: In 2004, he entered the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after K.A. Yasawi, majoring in "Kazakh language and literature", and graduated from this educational institution in 2008 (bachelor);
In 2011, he graduated from the Regional and Social Innovation University with a Master of Pedagogical Sciences majoring in "Kazakh language and literature" in 2013 (master's degree);
Languages studied Kazakh language (native language),
Russian language (fluent),

Work experience

1. 1. Regional and social innovation university
2) 2008-2012. - Laboratory assistant of the "Kazakh language and literature" department,
3) 2013-2016. - Teacher of the subject "Kazakh language and literature".
4) 2. Innovative and technological college
5) 2017-2018 - Methodist of the day school department
6) 2018-2020. - Head of the day school department
7) 2020-2022. - Teacher of the subject "Kazakh language and literature".
Interests: reading books, listening to songs, doing scientific work

Achievements Participated in international and republican scientific conferences, forums, seminars and published articles.