Student regional competition
On April 23, 2024, at the Zhumabek Akhmetovich Tashenev University, the Department of Economics and Law is holding a student regional competition of innovative projects on the topic: "INNOVATIVE PROJECTS: A LOOK INTO THE FUTURE" in the field of training 6B041-"Business and Management". In this regard, we invite universities to participate in this competition, which will be held at Shymkent, Kunaeva str., 21, 4th floor, room 414B.
The purpose of the competition is to create conditions for self-realization, professional and creative development of young researchers, identification and support of talented youth in the context of digital transformation.
The objectives of the competition:
− expansion of interaction between young scientists in order to share new knowledge, develop and realize creative potential in the research environment;
− organization of interdisciplinary comprehensive scientific research of young scientists aimed at solving urgent problems of digitalization;
− stimulating the scientific activities of students in higher education institutions in the context of digital transformation;
− formation of critical thinking skills among student scientific communities in the digital age;
− search for innovative forms and increase the level of organization of scientific research of students;
− improvement of the university innovation environment;
− expanding and deepening the links between science, education and business. business.
The time of the contest is indicated in the information letter!
? Letter (KZ)
? Letter (RU)
Sincerely, Department of Economics and Law!