- Staff
Malikova Aknur Aitzhanovna
Director of HR Department✆ Phone: +77017519970
✉ E-mail:
Director of the HR Department.
Heads the work on staffing the University with workers and employees of the required professions, specialties and qualifications in accordance with the goals, strategy and profile of the Company, changing external and internal conditions of its activities, the formation and maintenance of data on the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel, their development and movement.
Organizes the development of forecasts, determination of the current and prospective need for personnel and sources of its satisfaction based on the study of the labor market, establishing direct links with educational institutions and employment services, contacts with enterprises of a similar profile, informing employees within the Company about available vacancies, using the media to place advertisements for the recruitment of employees.
Participates in the development of the HR policy and HR strategy of the Company.
Carries out work on the selection, selection and placement of personnel based on the assessment of their qualifications, personal and business qualities, monitors the correctness of the use of employees in the divisions of the University. Ensures the admission, placement and placement of young specialists and young workers in accordance with the profession and specialty obtained at the educational institution, together with the heads of departments organizes their internship and work on adaptation to production activities.
Carries out systematic work on creating a business career, preparing candidates for promotion, training in special courses, internship in relevant positions.
Organizes the timely registration of the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation, regulations, instructions and orders of the head of the University, personnel records, issuance of certificates of current and past work activities of employees, storage and filling out work books and maintaining established personnel documentation, as well as preparation of materials for presenting personnel for incentives and awards.
Carries out methodological guidance and coordination of the activities of HR specialists, monitors the implementation by heads of departments of legislative acts and government decrees, decrees, orders and instructions of the head of the University on issues of personnel policy and work with personnel. Organizes timekeeping, preparation and implementation of vacation schedules, monitoring the state of labor discipline in departments and employees' compliance with internal labor regulations, analysis of the causes of turnover, develops measures to strengthen labor discipline, reduce staff turnover, loss of working time, and monitors their implementation.
Ensures the preparation of established reports on personnel records and work with personnel.
Participates in meetings of the Company.
The Director of the HR Department has the right to:
Give instructions and tasks to employees subordinate to him on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
Monitor the implementation of planned tasks and work, timely fulfillment of individual instructions and tasks of employees subordinate to him.
Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the department.
Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities within the competence of the Director of the HR Department. Represent the interests of the University in third-party organizations on issues related to the production activities of the department.
Chief Specialist, Head of the Office
Room: 402
Opening hours: 9:00 - 18:00Phone: +7 701 671 10 10
Email: higher, master's degree
Job responsibilities: search, selection, hiring and firing of personnel; control and accounting of employees; maintaining work books, accounting of work experience; analysis of personnel turnover and search for solutions; how to reduce it; issuing certificates of work to employees; creating a vacation schedule; generating ideas for the professional development of employees, consulting them on career growth or advanced training; preparing orders on personnel issues;
Functional responsibilities
Carry out the search and selection of employees;
formalize the hiring of new personnel;
conduct adaptation meetings with new employees;
as part of the performance of the function of maintaining personnel records and personnel records management:
maintain records of the company's personnel;
formalize the hiring, transfer, dismissal of employees, sending them on business trips, providing vacations, bringing to disciplinary responsibility;
fill out, record and store work books;
keep records of the provision of vacations to employees, draw up a schedule of regular vacations;
issue certificates of the current and past work activity of employees;
keep records and check the correctness of the registration of sick leaves. Fill in the relevant columns on the insurance period to determine the amount of temporary disability benefits;
control the timely preparation of time sheets;
ensure the storage of personnel documentation in the HR department (employment contracts, personnel orders and their grounds, registration logs);
prepare documents for their submission to the archive for storage;
draw up documents for insurance companies to issue policies for voluntary medical insurance of employees;
organize and document the certification and training of personnel;
carry out military registration.
Submit proposals for improving the activities of the HR department to the management for consideration;
request and receive information and documents from the heads of the company's structural divisions and employees for the performance of his job responsibilities;
monitor compliance in the structural divisions of the organization with labor legislation in relation to employees, as well as the Internal Labor Regulations, labor discipline by employees. Report to the management on identified violations;
request assistance from the heads of the company's structural divisions in performing job responsibilities;
consult on issues within his competence;
interact with divisions of third-party organizations to resolve issues related to production activities that fall within the competence of specialists.
Highly qualified specialist
Education: Higher
Room: 402
Opening hours: с 9:00 до 18:00Phone: +7 747 944 8483
Email: responsibilities: search, selection, hiring and firing of personnel; control and accounting of employees; maintaining work books, accounting of work experience; analysis of personnel turnover and search for solutions; ways to reduce it; issuing certificates of work to employees; creating a schedule of providing vacations; generating ideas for the professional development of employees, consulting them on matters of career growth or advanced training; preparing orders on personnel issues;
Functional responsibilities
Carry out the search and selection of employees;
formalize the hiring of new personnel;
conduct adaptation meetings with new employees;
as part of the performance of the function of maintaining personnel records and personnel records management:
maintain records of the company's personnel;
formalize the hiring, transfer, dismissal of employees, sending them on business trips, providing vacations, bringing to disciplinary responsibility;
fill out, record and store work books;
keep records of the provision of vacations to employees, draw up a schedule of regular vacations;
issue certificates of the current and past work activity of employees;
keep records and check the correctness of the registration of sick leaves. Fill in the relevant columns on the insurance period to determine the amount of temporary disability benefits;
control the timely preparation of time sheets;
ensure the storage of personnel documentation in the HR department (employment contracts, personnel orders and their grounds, registration logs);
prepare documents for their submission to the archive for storage;
draw up documents for insurance companies to issue policies for voluntary medical insurance of employees;
organize and document the certification and training of personnel;
carry out military registration.
Submit proposals for improving the activities of the HR department to the management for consideration;
request and receive information and documents from the heads of the company's structural divisions and employees for the performance of his job responsibilities;
monitor compliance in the structural divisions of the organization with labor legislation in relation to employees, as well as the Internal Labor Regulations, labor discipline by employees. Report to the management on identified violations;
request assistance from the heads of the company's structural divisions in performing job responsibilities;
consult on issues within his competence;
interact with divisions of third-party organizations to resolve issues related to production activities that fall within the competence of specialists.
Head of the archive
Education: Higher, Master's degree.
Room: 402
Opening hours: 9:00 - 18:00Phone: +7 747 378 7003
Email: responsibilities:
Carries out work on maintaining archival affairs at the University. Organizes storage and ensures the safety of documents received by the archive. Accepts and registers documents received for storage from structural divisions, completed office work. Participates in the development of the nomenclature of files, checks the correctness of the formation and execution when transferring them to the archive. In accordance with the current regulations, encrypts storage units, systematizes and places files, and maintains records of them. Prepares consolidated inventories of permanent and temporary storage units, as well as acts for the transfer of documents to state storage, for the write-off and destruction of materials whose storage periods have expired. Conducts work on creating a reference apparatus for documents, ensures their convenient and quick search. Participates in work on the examination of the scientific and practical value of archival documents. Monitors the condition of documents, the timeliness of their restoration, and compliance with the conditions in the archive premises necessary to ensure their safety. Monitors compliance with fire safety regulations in the archive premises. Issues archival copies and documents in accordance with incoming requests, compiles the necessary certificates based on the information available in the archive documents, prepares data for compiling reports on the archive's work. Takes the necessary measures to use modern technical means in work. - Documents
- Functions of the Department
The HR Department is a structural subdivision of the Zh. A. Tashenev University and operates in accordance with the University Charter.
The main functions of the department:
- implementation of the basic principles of HR policy, determination of the structure and need for personnel.
- coordination of decisions on strategic issues on improving the human resources management system and HR policy of the University; on development of the personnel reserve in accordance with modern tools; on rotation of specialists.
- provision of the necessary and in due time quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel.- ensuring compliance with the rules of the competition for vacant positions of faculty and research workers.
- maintaining a database of hired and fired employees,
- timekeeping, preparation and implementation of vacation schedules.
- creation of opportunities for job and professional advancement of employees, high-quality, trusting and productive work in a team to achieve the goals of the University.
- organization and implementation of work on rewarding employees with state and other awards and incentives.
- organization and management of office work in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, storage of documents.
- control and preparation of regulatory documents, official letters, responses to inquiries.
- improvement and implementation of methodological support for the documentation and documentation management system, updating of internal office work documents.