"Start the change yourself" is a small reading project
In order to develop the spiritual horizon, the literary and linguistic association "Kokzhiek" of the Department of Philology of Syrdarіya University read a novel by the famous writer Tahaoui Akhtanov "Let your light never go out" on the initiative of the scientist Abenova Lazzat Usmanovna. discussed.
The novel describes the tragedy of the Kazakh wife Nazira during the Second World War and the lives of the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the Motherland. The purpose of the novel is to keep the candles of the Kazakh people burning, to follow in their footsteps and to raise their descendants.
The main feature of the book reading project is not only the invitation of teachers and students to read, but also the selection of books that every citizen should read, aimed at achieving their future goals and aimed at self-improvement and development of thinking.
Together with the library staff, within the framework of the project "100 new textbooks" to choose the books they liked from foreign languages and share their views with experts about the book.
Isaeva Kulayna Alikulovna, Vice-Rector for Academic and Methodological Work of our University, shared her spiritual impressions from reading and analysis and supported a new initiative aimed at forming a culture of reading.