An inclusive psychological support cabinet has opened
Currently, the world is considering the problem of a “unified education system for all” or inclusive education, which provides for full support and adaptation of students to the educational process with the active participation of the environment, family, their educational needs and needs. Inclusive education is a form of education for people with special educational needs. And its main goal is the system of education as an equal individual, regardless of gender, religious beliefs, or origin.
Due to the different levels of development of emotional-mental cognitive processes, each student, each student has his own characteristics in education. In this regard, all students of our university are trained taking into account the level of development and age.
The Center for Psychological Counseling, which works in various fields of psychology at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, continues its work today under the name of the Office of Inclusive Psychological Support.
The goal of our work is to ensure that all students, regardless of their individual characteristics, mental and physical abilities, receive equal education and the necessary conditions for success; to contribute to the personal and intellectual development of students, the formation of skills of self-education and self-development; realization of the right to education, psychological support for all students in connection with their cognitive abilities and abilities, their adaptation to the social environment and integration into society.
This year, a number of works were carried out in accordance with the plan. In particular, in order to adapt freshmen to higher education and to develop interpersonal relations, training was conducted with freshmen on the topic “Adaptation to a new environment and the development of communication skills in a group”. Psychodiagnostic methods were carried out for groups PZhP-17, BPA-17, Fiz-17, Mat-17, Hb-17, Kt-17 on the topic "I and the importance of my life."
In order to form an active life of students and increase self-esteem, trainings were held on the topic “Motivation and Confidence” for the groups PZhP-19, Inf-17, Tar-17.