Anti-corruption is the duty of every citizen
On November 19, 2020, Syrdarya University hosted a forum dedicated to the International Anti-Corruption Day on the topic "Anti-corruption is the duty of every citizen."
The purpose of the forum: Corruption is one of the main threats to our society, which is a major obstacle to economic growth. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent it, strengthen anti-corruption measures and create a mechanism for its prevention.
Awareness of the importance of such concepts as the formation of civil responsibility, the need for the rule of law, honor and integrity, authority and the fight against corruption.
Chairman of Zhetysai district court Shyndaliev Arman Zhabayevich, prosecutor of Zhetysai district prosecutor's office Alzhanov Mukhtar Sautovich took part in the event.
Shyndaliev A.Zh. In his speech, he spoke about the main directions of systematization of anti-corruption legislation. He provided information on the ongoing lawsuits in the district and the role of the court in eliminating corruption.
Alzhanov MS The report focused on key issues in the fight against corruption. In Zhetysai district, the prosecutor's office told about the work being done to combat corruption and the planned measures to prevent and eliminate them.
The participants of the event discussed the issues of national efforts of government agencies in the field of anti-corruption, improving the anti-corruption legal framework, the formation of a negative public opinion about corruption.
Faculty and students of Syrdarya University participated through the online platform ZOOM and received answers to their questions.