New school year and new Message
Today, the administration and the teaching staff listened to the next Address of the President - K.K. Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan.
In his message, the President raised a number of issues aimed at improving the socio-economic situation in the country, analyzing the measures taken to date to combat the pandemic.
In the Address issued on the eve of the Day of Knowledge, the President noted the need for a number of positive changes, especially in the field of education.
Guided by the words of the leader of the nation A. Baitursynov: "To get an education, you need to study, to be rich, you need a profession, to be strong, you need unity, you need to work for these needs."
The President suggested paying attention to the following issues in the field of education:
- the generation of the XXI century must have deep knowledge;
- it is necessary to adapt the younger generation to hard work;
- any work must be done professionally;
- there must be iron discipline and high responsibility;
- do not evade justice;
- we need honesty, accuracy and thoroughness.
We all want to see the Kazakh people just like that. Only then will we be able to build a competitive state, an intellectual nation. The task of the Kazakh intelligentsia at the new stage is the formation of new principles of the nation.
We are confident that the President's Address in the new academic year will have a positive impact on the solution of many issues and give a new impetus to the development of education!