May your reputation grow - "Syrdariya"
We were students of the city of Zhetysay. When our friends from distant cities, where they study, come home for summer holidays, they say: “Let's go for a walk in the places that you know?”, And we, in turn, have the opposite answer.
Now it's interesting to remember ... We have often taken part in various competitions and student entertainment events at the national level. We returned with prizes. The "Real Kazakh" team, which was opened in Almaty on the initiative of Almatay Kozdibaev, was the first team to present the name of the "Syrdariya" university in the country, and our students who took part in regional competitions were the first. The university administration did not hesitate to select the talents of young people and support them. The President of the University, Esenkul Seilkyzy, warms the hearts of repatriates who come to our country from abroad in search of education.
I studied at the “Syrdariya” University from 2001 to 2005. I didn't want to be a lazy and calm student. It can also put you under the direct supervision of your parents. We didn't have days where we could stay at the hostel, leave at night and return in the morning.
I think that all this helped us to be conscious and calm in order to get a complete education. At the same time, knowledge is not divided into steppe and city. Only those who seek knowledge will find them. The ability to use all knowledge is an art, a virtue.
There seems to be something else to consider here. We are talking about a large number of universities in Kazakhstan. There are those who say that private universities should be closed now. Now let's think ...
265 thousand people live in the Myrzashol region of southern Kazakhstan. Add to this our brothers and sisters who return from abroad every year thanks to the effective policies of the President. It should be noted that Maktaaral district is a region where a large number of repatriates live. There is only one university in the region, where such Kazakhs have long been concentrated.
Our 15-year-old state and 10-year-old "Syrdariya" have many peaks and peaks.
There is another significant thought. In the modern world, only the strong will win. The weak will fall and be destroyed by themselves. It is the matter of time.
And Syrdaria University is the only competitive university. I think that the fact that the President himself visited us in 2005 and expressed his gratitude, he gave a fair assessment of "Syrdariya".
The most important thing is that the graduates of the “Syrdariya” University are successfully working in all parts of the country. This is also the fruit of the "Syrdariya".
Only yesterday I graduated from this university, and today I am a mirror of the region. Its history goes back over 80 years. - I would like to say that I work for the newspaper "South Kazakhstan".
I am grateful to my dear teachers who guided me into the difficult and interesting field of journalism.
Thank you, “Syrdariya”.
Akbayan Saparbayeva, correspondent of the newspaper "South Kazakhstan", Shymkent
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