National ranking of the best universities in Kazakhstan – 2018
Recently, the last bell rang for graduates, and it is very important for each applicant to make the right choice in life, that is, to choose the right university, which can become a reliable basis for determining the future.
To understand which university to choose, young people analyze many factors and discuss the pros and cons. These include the choice of profession, the location of the university, its reputation and educational level, the availability of government grants, the amount of tuition fees, employment prospects, and other important factors. It is not easy to do this analysis yourself if there is not enough information.
In the case of any university, the quality of education in it is comprehensively accredited both within the framework of institutional and educational programs.
All information about accredited universities and educational programs is regularly posted on the website of the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education
However, the pace of life is accelerating, and current candidates and other stakeholders are demanding quick results in an accessible form, which is why ratings are now in high demand both in Kazakhstan and around the world.
In his Address to the people of Kazakhstan dated January 10, 2018 "New opportunities for development within the framework of the fourth industrial revolution," the President said: "It is time to consider education as a separate sector of the economy with its investment projects and export potential."
It is difficult to overestimate the role of higher education in the development of human capital and the knowledge-based economy. One of the most convenient and accessible tools for assessing the quality of higher education is the university ranking.
The national rating of higher educational institutions in Kazakhstan takes into account the key aspects of the activities of educational institutions, including the quality of education, the level of science, the competitiveness of teachers and graduates in the labor market. It also allows universities to assess the quality of knowledge and skills that employers demand based on expert advice.
Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education - The rating has been publishing the National rating of the best universities in Kazakhstan for ten years since 2008.
At the same time, as mentioned above, one of the most convenient and accessible tools for assessing opportunities is the university ranking.
It should be noted that all universities voluntarily participate in the national ranking. To attract universities to the annual national rankings, a special announcement will be posted on the agency's website, and newsletters will be sent to all universities. However, the decision to participate in the ranking is made directly by the university. Being in the ranking of a university brings it prestige and is a form of advertising.
All stakeholders: applicants and their parents, foreign applicants, employers, foundations, associations and government agencies will be informed about the university through publications in the media.
According to the website of the Ministry of Education and Science (, there are currently 116 civilian universities (universities, academies, institutes) operating in Kazakhstan. 60 universities took part in the 2018 National Ranking, but some universities were not included in the ranking.
In addition to the institutional ranking, the agency also ranks educational programs. The curriculum methodology and ranking results are available at
In the 2018 ranking of programs, 60 universities presented 289 educational programs (last year - 279). The total number of university surveys for these programs exceeded 1,100.
On the agency's website you can also get acquainted with the results of the ratings of universities and educational programs for previous years, and you also have the opportunity to follow their dynamics. Explore, compare, analyze and make the right decisions for yourself.
In conclusion, from the words of the ancient student anthem to all universities and students of Kazakhstan in the process of continuing and improving work, regardless of their place in the ranking:
“Vivat Academia! Vivant professores! We wish you success!"
Sholpan KALANOVA, President of an independent rating agency providing quality education, professor, doctor of Pedagogy
Egemen Qazaqstan, 15.06.2018
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