Congratulations on a great national holiday!

Congratulations to all on our national holiday, the beginning of the year - Great Day - Nauryz!
Nauryz, which has become a holiday of unshakable unity, prosperity and goodness, is a measure of our glory, a deeply rooted and instructive moral civilization.

If we look at the historical past, we will see that in ancient times, on the first day of spring, people gathered, forgave each other, "shook hands", helped and shared food.

Nauryz is not only the first month of spring, this is the time when day and night are balanced and life is reborn, but also the time when our country unites the peoples of our country.
May Nauryz, the holiday of spring and renewal, bring unity and joy, prosperity, happiness and prosperity to your family!

Congratulations on Great National Day!

Rector of "Syrdariya" University, рrofessor S.S.Daiyrbekov