Great People's Day - Nauryz!
Here comes the long-awaited holiday of the year - the Great National Day - Nauryz. This ancient holiday is a holiday of happiness, abundance and prosperity, unity, peace and spring renewal, which is dear to all Kazakhstan people.
The celebration of Nauryz, occupies a special place in the strengthening of peace, harmony and friendship in society. Nauryz is celebrated with special attention at the University of Syrdariya.
A solemn event on the square with national white yurts was opened by the dance "Kara Zhorga", then grandfather Kyzyr wished the country luck, prosperity, success, prosperity, solidarity and unity.
On the stage were invited: rector of the University "Syrdariya", candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Daiyrbekov Serik Sansyzbaevich, doctor of economic sciences, professor Begim Serikovich, professor, composer, Boris Isauly, with the purpose of opening the celebratory event. They made heartfelt congratulations and wishes, congratulated the public with Nauryz.
Then the musical trio "NBO", consisting of students specializing in music education, sang the song "Merekem". The students of the specialty "Kazakh language and literature" showed the scene "Bastangs", sang songs about folk traditions and customs.
The best beauties of the university, members of the trio "Erke" performed the song "Kazagym-ay".
Guests of the holiday tried festive treats: nauryz skin, shubat, koumiss, kazi card, kurt, cottage cheese, cheese and other national dishes on the festive table of Nauryz. Then various sports competitions and competitions were held, the winners were awarded prizes. The public with great pleasure celebrated the Great National Day - Nauryz.