Tenge is a symbol of independence Kazakhstan
The symbol of the country’s sovereignty is not only state symbols, but also the national currency - one of the attributes of independence.
Less than 2 years after Kazakhstan gained independence, on November 15, 1993, the tenge was officially introduced into circulation. Since then, this date has been celebrated as National Currency Day in the country. This year marks 30 years since 1993, when our national currency, the tenge, came into circulation on the financial market.
In this regard, today, during the organization of the Department of Economics and Law, a ceremonial meeting entitled “TENGE – A SYMBOL OF INDEPENDENCE OF KAZAKHSTAN” was organized.
The event was attended by the rector of Tashenev University, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Kanat Seitzhanuly and guests providing graduates with jobs who met with our students. In particular, the head of the Pacific Branch of the RMM “State Commission for Testing Agricultural Crop Varieties” of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan is Zhumzhaev Galym Kuralbekuly, the financial director of Azala Coton LLP is Batileuov Sabit Sultanuly, the general director of the Card Business Center of the Shymkent regional branch is Ainur Aikhinbekovna Rasilova, JSC "Kazpost" Shymkent, deputy commercial director of the post office - Zharmukhambetova Almagul Kazybaevna, business coach - Sarsenova Anara Kayrollaevna, accountant - Yuldasheva Dilshod Mumintaevna, director of the branch of JSC "Fortebank" - Makulbaeva Anuar Orynbekovich, - deputy director for lending to legal entities JSC Fortebank - Begaliev Alibek Bekzhigitovich.