"Traditions and customs of the Kazakh people!"
At the Faculty of Design and Art of the University of Syrdariуa, an open educational hour was held with the 2nd year students of the educational program "Design" on the topic "Traditions and customs of the Kazakh people".
The purpose of the open educational hour is to popularize our national traditions and pass them on to future generations. The event was attended by students of the faculty, studying in a traditional format.
For example, Nauryz kozhe, bridesmaids, guests, shashu, stupidity - all these are generic customs. Traditions are of great educational and national importance in the country. Traditions recognize the historical, social, cultural, everyday, professional, ritual, behavioral, educational and spiritual activities of people, which are transmitted from father to son and develop. The wealth of tradition is the wealth of culture.
We believe that we were able to instill in young people an interest in Kazakh traditions, explain the educational value of the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people, and instill in them moral and ethical qualities.
Our duty is to pass on our national values and traditions from generation to generation, using the national values and traditions of the Kazakh people, not forgetting the traditions of our people, teaching our descendants.