Conditions for students...

As you know, our university has recently moved to Konaev Avenue, in the center of the third metropolis. The building, located in the center of Shymkent, is equipped according to modern requirements. School graduates of the city come to the educational institution, which has all the conditions for students, and get acquainted with the material base of the university and the teaching staff.

Selection for self-management is underway

Recruitment for the Student Self-Government is underway at our university. The beginning of the work of this selection begins with the contest "Tashenev Talented Youth" held in March of this year. Based on the results of these selections, the composition of the Student Council under the President of the University and the composition of the Student Rectorate will be formed through the "Open Election" system. University students and employees can watch the open election process through the Zoom platform.

May 9 - Victory Day

Dear brothers!
I congratulate you all on the Victory Day!
Our achievements today, the openness of our skies are thanks to the older generation who showed heroism in defense of the Motherland.
We will always bow and bow before their bravery and selfless work. The bravery of our grandfathers and the work of our grandmothers during the war will be forever remembered by the people.

May 7 - Defender of the Fatherland Day

Dear compatriots, dear brothers!
I congratulate you on our great holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day!
This holiday is the foundation day of the Kazakhstan army, the bulwark of our independence.
First of all, our Armed Forces are a symbol of our country, a symbol of filial respect for the Motherland.
May today's holiday, which is a symbol of bravery and patriotism, bring peace and harmony to our country and happiness to every family! May this holiday of brave and energetic citizens always herald a day of joy and peace!

On the air of the TV program "Tan Nury"

Galymzhan Bitursyn, vice-rector for social and educational work of our university, and Aruza Ayapova, head of the Student Alliance club, in the Tan nury TV program on the Ontustik TV channel, talked about how the state programs implemented in support of youth at the University named after Zh .A. Tashenev, and about career guidance work prepared at the university.

Selection and open election

Selection and open elections for student self-government
On May 11, 2023, the selection of the Student Self-Government will be held, and on May 12, the Open Election will be held with the full participation of the leaders of the 1st-3rd year groups. University students will be able to watch the election via ZOOM.