Today, the team of Zhumabek Tashenev University held a festive event on the occasion of the Amal holiday.
The event was organized within the framework of Nauryznama ten days.
University rector Baibolov Kanat Seitzhanuly and vice-rector, professors, university staff took part in the celebration.
A concert program and an exhibition of handicrafts were presented at the event.
On the eve of the "Nauryz Yearbook: Renewal Day" holiday, G.Sh. Bitursyn, vice-rector for social issues and educational work of our university, gave a lecture on the topic "RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CONSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND TRADITIONAL PROHIBITIONS" to 1st year students.
During the lecture, the importance of common social order (legal requirements and rules of customs and prohibitions) was explained. The students understood the interrelationship between the current constitutional requirements and prohibitions in the ancestral tradition, and were saturated with information about the human rights and human dignity being always valued at a high level. Students were very active during the lecture.