Press conference
On February 18, 2021 at the University "Syrdarіya" was held a press conference on "Features of anti-corruption policy."
The purpose is to inform the faculty and staff of the university and students about the regulatory framework for anti-corruption and crime prevention.
The event was attended by the head of the project office of the Zhetysai district "Square of Honesty" Mutaev N.S., Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Law, Candidate of Law Yntymakov S.A., Head of the Department of Law and Economics, Doctor of Law, Zhandarbek B.A., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Law and Economics, Master of Ikhlasova M.Zh.
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Law and Economics Ikhlasova M.Zh. in his speech he spoke about the types of corruption. As an example, she cited measures taken in developed countries. According to him, most importantly, the epidemic of the century will reduce the welfare of the country.
Head of the Department of Law and Economics - Ph.D. Zhandarbek B.A. emphasized the importance of the legislative framework in the fight against corruption and proposed effective ways to eliminate it.
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Law, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Yntymakov S.A. noted the facts of corruption, including the meeting, and shared his opinion on their fair investigation and assessment.
Head of the project office "Ploshchad Honestnosti", Zhetysai district, Mutaev N.S. he paid special attention to the situation in the region, upbringing and family. He stressed the importance of preventing corruption and urged young people to fight together.
During the conference, teachers and students received answers to their questions. Scientific Secretary of the University L.U. Abenova spoke about the main directions and measures taken to prevent corruption in the university. She urged students to be honest, active in society and to unite in the fight against corruption.