Anatomical and morphological structure of fish
In the 2017-2018 academic year, in accordance with the plan of the student scientific circle "Orken" was held a circle on "Anatomical and morphological structure of fish."
Professors and members of the circle "Biology", Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor AD Tazhekova, NS Amanbayev, Specialist for Scientific Affairs of the University and heads of clubs from other departments.
The head of the scientific circle is Ph.D., teacher S.Zh. Abduova and associate professor RA During Kashkarov's work, students underwent morphological, physiological and biological analysis of pike, black fish and tortoises.
On the basis of scientific research with the help of widely used necessary equipment: binoculars, analytical scales, barbell compasses, rulers studied the internal and external structure, length, weight, condition of the gonads, general biological structures of fish.
The members of the club told more about the fish and gave a lot of interesting information. Students recalled the information from the lessons of ichthyology and hydrobiology and combined their theoretical knowledge with practice.