Literary and musical evening “Singing Heart”
On February 15, 2024, the Department of Languages and Literature organized the literary and musical evening “Singing Heart”, dedicated to the great poet M. Makataev.
The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Philology A.A. Mamyt, Head of the Department of Languages and Literature, Ph.D. Zhantasova Z.T., Ph.D. Kalybekov, senior teacher R.A. Arynbaeva, who gave a speech and shared her thoughts about M. Makataev with the students. Students of the Kazakh language and literature teacher training program perfectly read M. Makataev’s poems and were appreciated by the public. The evening continued with a performance by student Turmakhanbetova Zhuldyz with a poem dedicated to M. Makataev. The students actively participated and were impressed by the tunes and lyrics. The fiery songs of M. Makataev touched the hearts of young people.