Girl's club "Qyz Jibek": a party
On March 3, the girls' club "Qyz Jibek" opened at the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
The girls' club aims to instill in the girl the customs and traditions of the Kazakh people, to instill in her a sense of decency, politeness, decency, kindness, tolerance and a high conscience.
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Torgai Igenovna and 1st year student of Chemistry and Biology Arailym Zharkynbekovna touched the girl from forty houses, the girl was a stranger, the upbringing of a teenage girl, a young bride. what should be etc. They shared their secrets on issues that reveal our national traditions.
Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs and Social Affairs Zamzagul Ainabekovna congratulated the students on the International Women's Day on March 8 and wished them success in the work of the club. Mentors of the group U.Akhinova and F. Suleimbekova congratulated the members of the club and read the monologue "Kyz sezim". Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Torgai Igenovna finished with the song "Hello mother". The students expressed their gratitude, saying that they received a lot of education from painting.
Dean of the Faculty Kulayna Alikulovna offered students to read the books: Z. Akhmetova's "Sunny Days", M. Shakhanov's "Tor Ana", A. Kalybekova's "The Noble Heritage of Kazakh National Education" and shared his heartfelt wishes.
During the event, students learned a lot about the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people and guided them into the future.