Department of Academic Mobility

Naralieva Shahlo Jamalovna
Head of the Department of Academic Mobility
Phone: +7 778 400 40 97
► Departmental Action Plan for the 2024-2025 Academic Year
Education: National University of Uzbekistan named after M. Ulugbek, specialty "Philologist, teacher of the Uzbek language"
Academic degree: Doctor (PhD) of Philosophy in Educational Sciences
• information support for the academic mobility program;
• implementation of academic mobility programs;
• organization and supervision of internal and external academic mobility of students, teachers and staff of the university;
• coordination and control of the entire documented process of sending and receiving to partner educational institutions;
• implementation of mobility agreements;
• provision of information about foreign and domestic partner universities to students, teachers and staff of the university
Professional achievements:
- "Letter of thanks" of the Akim of Shymkent, (2024)
- Gold medal "Birlik" of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan (2023);
- Medal "Dustlik" of the Uzbek ethnocultural associations of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2018);
- Medal "Public figure" of the Uzbek cultural center of South Kazakhstan region (2014);
- Jubilee medal "25 years of the Uzbek cultural center of South Kazakhstan" (2016);
- "Letter of thanks" of the Committee on International Relations and Friendly Ties with Foreign Countries under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (2022);
- "Letter of thanks" of the Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan E. Tugzhanov (2012);
- "Certificate of honor", "Letter of thanks" of the National Academy of Education named after Y. Altynsarin (2014-2018, 2020-2024);
- "Certificate of Honor" of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2016-2023).
Deputy Chairman of the "Dustlik" Association of Uzbek ethno-cultural associations of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education
The International Student Department provides support to foreign students and students for their successful adaptation and integration, staff and other guests before and during their stay at the Zh.A. Tashenev University.
Tasks of the Department:
1) Creation of favorable living and socio-psychological conditions.
2) Harmonization of interethnic and interfaith relations among foreign students and listeners on the basis of a friendly dialogue between participants in the process of education and upbringing.
Functions of the Department:
- implementation of the policy and goals in the field of activity of the University named after Zh.A. Tashenev;
- development, maintenance and implementation of documents for the Department of work with foreign students in the quality management system;
- support of social adaptation of foreign university students;
- protection of the rights of foreign students;
- assistance in educational work.
- participation in the implementation of the state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of personnel training abroad;
- coordination of the sustainable growth of the contingent of foreign citizens wishing to study at the University named after Zh.A. Tashenev.
The Department carries out complex work on the primary adaptation of foreign students who have arrived to study at the University named after Zh.A. Tashenev: provides the necessary consulting, organizational, informational assistance; assists in the preparation of a package of documents for nostrification, participates in the preparation of orders for the admission and graduation of foreign students; agrees on their placement and accommodation, studies the socio-psychological conditions of living in a hostel, monitors compliance by foreigners with the rules of living in a hostel; coordinates the activities of the departments of the university that oversee the education of foreign citizens, foreign students arriving to study. Employees of the Department, together with curators of groups, ensure the participation of foreign students and students of the Zh.A. Tashenev University in university, city, regional, international events in order to familiarize them with the history of Kazakhstan and culture, to promote a healthy lifestyle, promote international peace, encourage religious tolerance and development of patriotism; resolve conflict situations related to foreign students; carry out corrective and preventive work with students experiencing psychological difficulties in the process of adaptation to new social and living conditions, provide them with individual psychological support.