Azizbekova Aizhamal Sultanbekovna

    Awards of the chancellors of higher educational institutions for leading the students in subject olympiads and winning prizes:
-KARMU named after E.A. Buketov, social work, 3rd place, 2012;
- KSU named after Korkytata, history, 3rd place, 2014;
-KazNPU, history, best project, 2015.
Professional development:    Kazakhstan, Shymkent, 2024 University named after J.A. Tasheneva “Digital Literacy” 72 hours.

Daulet Gulnur Malikovna

Education: West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov, 2018
Syrdarіya University, 2020
Scientific and academic degree: Ph.D., teacher
Professional qualification: Teacher of foreign languages ​​and second foreign languages
Disciplines: "Basic foreign language", "Oral and written practice of English", "Specialized foreign language", "Professionally oriented foreign language", "Practical course of the second foreign language (levels A1, A2)", "Practical second foreign language" course (B2 level) ",

On the organization of the educational process in the spring semester

On the organization of the educational process in the spring semester for the 2020/2021 academic year. 
In accordance with the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 28, 2020 No. 548, in order to implement measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection on the territory of the Syrdariya University in the 2020-2021 academic year, it is necessary to organize a spring semester from January 25, 2021 in the following order: 

Dear students


We inform you that on January 15, 2021, an online meeting of deans of faculties with students will be held to organize the spring semester of the 2020-2021 academic  year  through  the  ZOOM  platform!

ID: 625 382 6785

Password: 143 143


Spiritual bank account

We all know what a bank account is. A bank account is opened to collect funds and, if necessary, to withdraw funds. In life, you can imagine a bank account in another form, for example, for some there are four main food items, for others - the main thing is gold, silver or money, and so on. We can accept this when there are happy days or material crises in our lives and solve our problems. With this, everything is clear.

Center for technical and methodological support

Dear students

We inform you that the second semester of the 2020-2021 academic year for students in some educational programs of 1, 2 ,3 courses continues in the mixed learning format from January 25. We ask you to take an active part in the lessons on the Platonus system and contact the emergency notification Center (Call-center), which  will  answer  your  questions  on  the  distance  learning  system.


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