The University of "Syrdariya" hosted an online meeting of the rector with students
The introduction of the emergency situation in the country was not reflected in the plans of the Syrdarya University. According to the regulations, all scheduled events are held in a remote format, webinars, conferences and competitions are organized. On April 27, an online meeting of the rector of the University Mamraimova Serika Dauletovich with students took place.
It is worth noting that similar encounters have already become traditional. Educators and teachers with great interest take part in them, so "from the first hand" can learn all the necessary information, get competent answers to their questions. The meeting was held in the format of videoconferencing via the Webex platform. Its main purpose is to clarify the rules of conduct of intermediate and final certification.
Participants asked questions. Here are just a few of them: "In what forms will the exams be given?", "What is the format of the final certification?", "How to properly prepare for the defense of diploma work online?", "What to do, if" did it happen? How to carry out a check of graduation work in the system "Antiplagiarism" ?, "How to remotely pass norm control?", "How to carry out the identification procedure?" And so on.
These and other questions of the educators were dany circumstantial answers. During the online meeting with the rector of the university SD Mamraimov noted that the main purpose of the university - to ensure the quality of education, and the task of students - to become demanding, competent specialists. At the University of "Syrdarya" for this created all the necessary conditions. The existing resources of the university, the availability of educational portals for distance education, the potential of the teaching staff, as well as the interest, active position and motivation of students who are able to read fluently, have always been able to do so.
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It is noted that in accordance with the student-oriented approach, the university has developed and developed the basic procedures and algorithms for certification, which have learned the technical capabilities of students. It is possible to pass the exam during the period of intermediate certification for the period from 15 to 30 June at the request of the student. This gives him the opportunity to live in the Student House.
With the support of students of the university there is an increase in the duration of the session, the timing of examinations, the deadline for filing an appeal, the advancement to the later period (July) of the summer semester. It is important that the final attestation (passing complex examinations, defense of diploma works / master's dissertations) for students of advanced courses is carried out in June, which will allow you to better prepare for the form to pass it.
All accepted by the administration of the university are directed to the creation of conditions for successful passing of examinations, defense of diploma work or master's dissertation; preservation of psychological peace and balance in the difficult for the whole country and the university, including the period. Participants thanked the organizers for the explanatory work conducted by the university, the constructive solutions, content answers and positive attitude to success.