Educational process


Exam schedules for the winter session of the faculties for the 2024-2025 academic year

Winter exam session schedule for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th year students of the 2023-2024 academic year (full-time)

Open lesson plan for the university for the 2024-2025 academic year (first half)

Elective subject catalogs

► 6В01101 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY"
► 6В01103 – (IP) Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "PSYCHOLOGY"
► 6В01201 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION AND TRAINING"
► 6В01202-Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION" (IP)
► 6В01301 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education"
► 6В01401 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "Training of Physical Education Teachers"
► 6В01402 - "MUSIC TEACHER TRAINING" educational program catalog of elective subjects
► 6В01403 - "Art and Drawing Teachers Training" educational program catalog of elective subjects
► 6В01501 - "Mathematics Teachers Training" educational program catalog of elective subjects
► 6В01502 - "Physics Teachers Training" educational program catalog of elective subjects
► 6В01503 - "Computer Science Teachers Training" educational program catalog of elective subjects
► 6В01504 - "Chemistry Teachers Training" educational program catalog of elective subjects
► 6ВО1505 - "Biology Teachers Training" educational program catalog of elective subjects
► 6В01506 - "Geography Teachers Training" training" educational program
► 6В01507 - Elective subjects catalog of the educational program "CHEMISTRY-BIOLOGY TEACHERS"
► 6В01509 - Elective subjects catalog of the educational program "Geography-History Teachers"
► 6В01510 - Elective subjects catalog of the educational program "BIOLOGY-GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS"
► 6В01601 - Elective subjects catalog of the educational program "History"
► 6В01701 - Elective subjects catalog of the educational program "Kazakh language and literature teacher training"
► 6В01702 - Elective subjects catalog of the educational program "RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE TEACHER TRAINING" catalog of subjects
► 6В01703 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "Foreign language: training of teachers of two foreign languages"
► 6В01705 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "English" (IR)
► 6В01707 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "Foreign languages" (IR)
► 6B02101 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "Design"
► 6B02111 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "FASHION INDUSTRY"
► 6B02121 - "VIDEO Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "VOCA"
► 6В03201 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "Library Studies"
► 6В04101 - Catalog of elective subjects for the specialty "Accounting and Audit"
► 6В05090 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "Finance"
► 6В04103 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "ECONOMICS"
► 6В04104 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "IT MANAGEMENT"
► 6В04201 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "Jurisprudence"
► 6В04202 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "Business and Law"
► 6В04203 - Elective subjects of the educational program "Legal Regulation of Administrative and Economic Activities" catalog of subjects
► 6В05101 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "BIOLOGY"
► 6В06101 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "Computer Engineering and Software"
► 6В06102 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "Information Systems"
► 6В06103 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS"
► 6В06112 - Catalog of elective subjects of the educational program "Informatics"

Rules, instructions
  1. License Agreement No. 9513 "Antiplagiat. Software system for identifying textual prerequisites in academic and scientific works of VUZ 4.0" (2024-2025)
  2. Regulation on assessment of academic achievements of students
  3. Open lesson plan for the university in the 2024-2025 academic year
  4. Plan of educational and methodological activities for the 2024-2025 academic year
  5. Work plan of the Department of Methodological Support of Educational Programs for the 2024-2025 academic year
Video instructions for using the Platonus system
  1. Platonus. Assign a task:
  2. Platonus. Instructions for submitting an assignment:
  3. Platonus. Student guide:
Audio / video lectures by discipline 

1. Video lecturesYouTube-каналда:

A collection of published video lectures by Abenova Lazzat Usmanovna

► Лекция сабақтары

► Практика сабақтары

2. Университет оқытушыларының аудио/бейне дәрістерінің тізімі

3. Университет оқытушыларының электрондық оқулықтарының тізімі

4. Университеттің электронды кітапханасының

5. 9070 электронды ресурстары

6. Университеттің электронды кітапханасы

Academic policy

Roadmap for further improvement of the educational process with the use of DOT


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