Nurgisa of Zhetysai city - Bori Isa
Maktaaral district, located in the huge south of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is 90 years old. This is not a short period. From the flow of information, we know that such famous personalities - writers, artists and residents of Myrzashol as Ilyas Dzhansugurov, Sabit Mukanov, Dinmukhamed Kunayev, Nursultan Nazarbayev, Alkey Margulan, Mukhtar Auezov, Imangali Tasmagambetov, Khabidolla Tastaliev Tastaliev, Naggonieva Kekilbaev, Akseleu Seidimbekov gave their assessments and comprehensive conclusions about art.
For example, the famous writer Mukhtar Auezov said: “We have explored the entire South Kazakhstan region, Myrzashol. Among all the places, only in Myrzashol will you see what artistic, labor-intensive, water, cotton, urban, winter, prosperous, fruitful areas exist”, he said.
Rakhmankul Berdibaev said: “Myrzashol region is a region of glory, which has long been famous for its white cotton. The Myrzashol locality continues this tradition of craftsmanship to this day. Cultural centers of three districts: Kirov, Zhetysay, Maktaaral, located in the Myrzashol district - Zhetysay connected not only three districts, but also became the spiritual center of Kazakhs in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and even in the Republic of Tajikistan to educate their children, read books, newspapers and magazines in Kazakh. This means that Zhetysay is a flag city, a vast steppe connecting the land of Zhideli Baysyn, which includes several countries” ...
In Maktaaral region, where Mirzashol is located, there are many famous people who raised the spirit of the country, became heroes in their area and continue the good deeds of their ancestors. Boris Isa is one of the representatives of those who dedicated their lives to the spiritual world and the bright future of the region.
It has been 51 years since he graduated from a music school in Shymkent and since the age of 18 he has been working in the field of art in only one district. I know the works of Bori Isa from the kui’s collections. In general, it has been operating for 51 years. I got to know the works of Bori Isa earlier than the kui collections. In general, specialists and art teachers of the South Kazakhstan region spoke about this, including the famous musician T. Mergaliev.
Sacred art once again opened the way to the moment of acquaintance with his work.
As the saying goes, “Even if the skin of the nobility turns to negative, it shows color,” his exemplary behavior, culture and education were among the best. Walking within the walls of the conservatory, he took part in several competitions named after N.Tlendiev, M.Uskenbaev, A.Iskaliev, kuishi Alsheki Bektibaev and always stood out among the main prize winners. He performed as an orchestra of solo and folk instruments in the country and abroad. Was the leading performer of the "Kui Tarty" group.
Bori Isa was born on August 15, 1945 in the village of Karaspan, Arys region, into a simple family. After graduation, he graduated from the Shymkent School of Music in 1963 with a degree in dombra-tenor class S.Azhiev, in 1966-1971 he studied at the Almaty State Conservatory with T.Mergaliev (dombra), B.Abdykalikov, Sh.Kazhygaliev (conductor) ...
In 1963, he became the leader of the orchestra of folk instruments of the Zhetysai House of Culture, was a teacher of the Zhetysai Kazakh pedagogical school, deputy director for educational work of the Zhetysai cultural and educational school, chief conductor of the Zhetysai Kazakh musical theater, senior teacher of the Zhetysai branch of the International Kazakh-Turkish University, and then University "Syrdariya". He became the head of the Department of Music and Singing, assistant professor of the department of Art History, and a professor.
There is a moral life in the field of art. In 1980 Boris Isa worked as a theatrical conductor in Moscow and Leningrad, in 1989 he worked with the Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra at the Institute for Advanced Study in Chelyabinsk. Over the years, more than 15 musical performances "Kyz Zhibek", "Zhalbyr", "Er Targyn", "Aisulu", "Arshin Mal Alan", "Wedding in Malinovka", etc. He wrote music for several performances, composed music for more than 40 performances and has always been highly regarded.
In addition, K.Kazybayev, secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, Zh.Yerkinbekov, E.Rakhmadiev, ministers of culture, K.Sultanov, head of the propaganda department of the KTsOK, G.Musrepov, great writer and famous director A.A. Tokpanov, masters of art, great sons and public figures such as Kazhygaliev and N.Tlendiev also praised Bori Isa. He was a laureate of the All-Union Festival, the All-Union Festival of Folk Art of the 1960s – 70s.
Bori Isa - Honorary Citizen of Maktaaral District, Culture Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Member of the Composers' Union, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "Best Performer of 2000". He was awarded the USSR badge "For excellent work", the medal "For great work", the jubilee medal dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the bronze medal named after Akhmet Baitursynov and others.
The holding of a large joint orchestra of the region at a cultural event under the roof of Ordabasy, in which the presidents of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan took part, testifies to its popularity and professionalism in this area.
He toured around the country: Kyzylorda, Shymkent, Zhambyl, Almaty Opera and Ballet Theater, many other cities, Tashkent Mukhimi Theater, Nukus Opera and Ballet Theater, Moscow Kremlin Palace, etc., he performed on large stages. He appeared in the Tashkent TV program Zamandas seven times. He performed several cues on Almaty television under the heading "Nine Chapters" and recorded 16 cues at the state recording studio "Dybys", which was supported by the Arts Council.
In 1984 he recorded the operetta "Wedding in Malinovka" by B. Alexandrov on the Almaty television. It is fair to say that this was a special phenomenon in those years.
What distinguishes Boris Isa from others is his originality. The songs “Aksak Kulan”, “Zheltoksan”, “Zhideli baysin”, songs “Altyn aimak mekenim”, “Merekelik Kuy” for the dombra ensemble, “Nauryz toi” for the symphony orchestra were published.
All his works are performed by the "Otyrar Sazy" orchestra, Taldykorgan, Shymkent and others. He performed in the national orchestras of the cities. It is safe to say that in the coming years, all orchestras will be included in the repertoire.
Bori Isa is an innovator. The performance of the Topenkok and Balbyrauyn kuevs with the ensemble playing the dombra for 1000 people on the Zhenis Square in Zhetysai demonstrates contemporary creativity. His orchestra and chorus "Army of the XXI century!" The oratorio (performed by the Zhetysai folk orchestra and folk choir) also belongs to this category.
As for the collection "Zhenis Zholy", written for kobyz and violin instruments, which is now being prepared for publication, is accompanied by a special kuisan: "Zheltoksan", "Zhenis Zholy", "Merekelik Kui", "Nauryz toi", "Zheldirme" mir. The spirit of the ancestral tradition is felt in all of his works, and the process of innovation is worth mentioning.
Nowadays, when the number of accompaniments for kobyz and violin is decreasing, this collection will undoubtedly become an indispensable textbook for music schools, colleges and universities specializing in music education.
Gabit KOSAN,
lecturer at the "Syrdariya" University, master
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