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Two decades ago, a higher educational institution was opened in the most remote and densely populated region of South Kazakhstan, which has recently become one of the country's most competitive private universities.
The government decree on the establishment of the “Syrdariya” University was signed in the first years of Kazakhstan's independence, on March 5, 1998. It was one of the first private universities in the country that stood the test of time and proved the right to life and the training of specialists for a market economy. The university prepares highly qualified personnel, promotes their spiritual enrichment, plays an important role in the scientific, socio-cultural, economic development of the region.
The founders of the university initially relied on school graduates from remote areas of the south of the country, where large families live, who do not always have the opportunity to go to study far from home. The university is attended mainly by young people from rural hinterland, who know the value of knowledge and strive to become professionals.
The success and recognition of the university is not a matter of one year or even one decade. Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, deputy of the maslikhat of the Turkestan region Onalbai Ayashev made a great contribution to the opening, formation and development of the university. The founder of the university, Esenkul Seilkyzy, who was appointed president of the Syrdarya University in 2004, did a great deal of work to improve the educational process, form the civic position of youth, improve the quality of education and knowledge of students. For her special contribution to the development of education, she was awarded the badge of Ibray Altynsarin, and was awarded the title of an honorary citizen of the Makhtaaral region.
The management, the teaching staff of the university carry out a large systematic and purposeful work to improve the quality of education, training of qualified specialists, paying special attention to the educational process. The university, keeping pace with the times, prepares bachelors in 28 specialties, masters - 10, working on the basis of the license of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, issued on September 28, 2010.
Now at the faculties of natural science, mathematics, humanitarian, art, physical education and sports, in the magistracy, as well as in the Zhetysai multidisciplinary college, opened at the university, 2,935 students and undergraduates study. Over the past 20 years, 13,062 graduates who work in various sectors of the economy, education, culture, and art of Kazakhstan have received a start in life.
The high professional level of the teaching staff of the university makes it possible to conduct classes in accordance with modern requirements. 176 teachers work at 11 departments of the university, including 10 doctors of sciences, 5 doctors of philosophy (PhD), 72 candidates of sciences, 69 masters, who are constantly improving their qualifications in the best universities in the country, near and far abroad. University scientists research current problems of science, education and upbringing, they, together with methodologists, provide a high quality of practical training of qualified specialists.
The pride of the university are professors - holders of the state grant "The best teacher of the RK university" - Dr. n. We run Serikuly (2013) and Gulnara Musabekova (2017). The material and technical base of the university meets the requirements of higher educational institutions. It has 4 educational buildings, a library, the Palace of Students "Kazakhstan", the House of Students, research centers, a computer center, gyms and playgrounds that allow students to gain full knowledge and all the possibilities for comprehensive development. The university has established close cooperation with the leading higher educational institutions of the country and abroad, for example, with the Kazakh National University. al-Farabi, ENU them. L. Gumilyov, Moscow Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Tatarstan State Elite Corporation (Kazan, Russia), Gulistan State University (Uzbekistan).
The university maintains relations with domestic and foreign state and public figures. A number of foreign delegations visited the University, documents on mutual scientific, technical and humanitarian cooperation were signed. So, in 2012, a delegation headed by the mayor of the city of Dandash of the Republic of Hungary, Laszlo Farago, visited the university. In 2013, Senator of the French Parliament Emire de Montesquieu was received here. The outstanding scientist of the world, statesman and public figure, professor at the University of Cambridge Sithardha Saxena highly appreciated the work of the university. Among the distinguished guests were also Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the University of Dortmund (Germany) Walter Freisen, famous statesman and public figure, Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Hungary to Kazakhstan Andrash Varani, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Deputy Director for Research of the Financial University of the Russian Federation Bari Khairov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Rector of the Tajik Pedagogical Institute Muazzom Kudrodzodo Ansarov, Professor of the University of Warwick (Great Britain) Ray Chetvin and others.
The university is located in the southernmost point of our country, far from the regional center. Such geographic remoteness is more than compensated for by the efforts of the leadership, inviting famous in our country scientists, public figures, athletes, cultural figures to meet with students and teachers, who by their example motivate young people to study and work well. An indelible impression was left by communication with the first cosmonaut of Kazakhstan Tokhtar Aubakirov, champion of the Beijing Olympiad Bakhyt Sarsekbayev, outstanding turkologists, doctors of philological sciences Myrzatay Zholdasbekov and Rakhmankul Berdibaev, honored worker of culture, Egheni Oraznev Sauytbek Abdrakhmanov, writer Markhabat Baygut, cultural figures of Kazakhstan, masters of art Kopen Amirbek, Mayra Iliyasova, Ainur Tursynbaeva, Rosa Alkozha and others.
On September 1, 2005, the university met the President of the country.
Nursultan Nazarbayev, who took part in the opening ceremony of the educational building of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology. And this event is a matter of special pride for students and teachers, emphasizes the high responsibility of the educational institution in the training of highly qualified specialists.
The “Syrdariya” University is guided by the best world practices, introducing a quality management system. In 2010, he received a certificate from the Turkish Standards Institute, in 2013 and 2016 passed an audit of Russian certification, in 2018 an absentee audit of the university's quality management system was carried out in accordance with the new requirements of ISO 9001:2015. In the 2015/2016 academic year, the university, according to the results of the institutional accreditation of the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance (NAOKO), confirmed specialized accreditation in 6 specialties. A year later, the specialized accreditation and rating independent agency (NAA) successfully passed accreditation in 15 bachelor's and 8 master's specialties.
This year, “Syrdariya” University entered the top twenty of the national rating of the best multidisciplinary universities in Kazakhstan, held among 60 universities by the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education.
At the university, sports and the development of talents are held in high esteem. So, the “Syrdariya” national sports team, created 5 years ago, became the champion in the games of the highest league of the republic and glorified not only the university, but also the district, region.
The orchestra of the university "Melodies of Zhetysai" under the direction of the composer, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Boris Isa has won prizes in international and republican shows and competitions for many years. The disciples of Boris Isa, who is called Nurgisa of Zhetysai, are skilled masters of culture.
All achievements of the university are the result of 20 years of fruitful work. The university, which has managed and managed to form rich educational, educational, sports and cultural traditions, has every chance to continue to achieve success, using the advanced achievements of education, science, and economics.
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