The composition of the veterans council has been created
By the decision of the Academic Council of the University named after Zhumabek Akhmetuly Tashenev dated September 29, 2023, on October 5, 2023, the composition of the University Veterans Council was formed. Veteran teachers in the council welcomed the arrival of the Veterans Council, consisting of 13 people, timed to coincide with the holiday “October 5 – Teacher’s Day”.
At the first meeting, under the leadership of the vice-rector for social and educational work of the university, Galymzhan Shamshidinuly, through mutual open voting, veteran teachers elected the chairman and secretary of the council. At the meeting, which took place on the mutual recommendation of veteran teachers and mass voting, the senior teacher of the Department of Art and Music, Professor Ulikbek Halmatovich Mazhitov, was nominated as Chairman of the Council of Veterans, and the senior teacher Ulzhan Elubaevna Kenzhebaeva from the Department of Information and Communication Technologies was appointed Secretary advice.