Department of Planning and Organization of the Educational Process

Nurmaganbetova Zhuldyz Anvarbekovna
☎ Phone: +7 (7252) 55-11-63
✉ E-mail:
The department employs the following specialists:
1. Ashirbekova Gulnur Sharipbekovna
2. Baizhanova Alma Amirkhanovna
3. Akberdi Bidos Әbutalіply
4. Sydykova Asel Ospanovna
5. Shyrynkhan Ondasyn Mukhanbezhankyzy
- Department goal
The Department of Planning and Organization of the Educational Process is a structural unit of the University named after Zh.A. Tashenev. The main goal of the department is the organization, coordination and control of long-term and current planning of the educational process, management, control and improvement of the educational process, educational and methodological work in accordance with the development strategy of the Zh.A. Tashenev University.
- Department functions
Department functions:
1. Coordination of the teaching load and staffing schedule of teaching staff of the departments together with the Department of Finance;
2. Planning and organization of the educational process, including coordination of work on developing a schedule of the educational process for all forms of training, class schedules
3. Organization of work on the formation of curricula, schedules of the educational process;
4. Accounting and distribution of classroom funds for the purpose of its effective use to support the educational process
5. Management of the planning process and monitoring the implementation of the teaching load of teaching staff;
6. Monitoring the implementation of the teaching load of teaching staff of university departments and organizing the implementation of educational programs.
7. Development of a draft plan for organizing and monitoring the educational process at the university for the academic year;
8. Development of a draft action plan in preparing the university for the new academic year;
9. Development of normative and methodological documents for planning and organizing the educational process at faculties and departments.
10. Development of proposals for improving the educational process, improving the quality of its planning and organization;
11. Coordination of educational work of departments, faculties and other educational divisions of the university;
12. Organization of planning of the educational process in the structural divisions of the university (work plans of faculties, departments, individual plans of teaching staff, etc.);
- Accordion title 1
The main directions of the department’s work are organizing the activities of faculties and departments for designing educational programs at the University; registration of educational programs in the register of international education and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan; coordination of work on the preparation of documents for new educational programs in accordance with the qualification requirements for licensing educational activities; coordination of the work of Academic Committees at faculties; monitoring the effectiveness of the implementation of educational programs.
The department also coordinates the work of planning and organizing professional practice for students at two levels of education, the automation process in AIS Platonus, develops procedural documents for practice, assists in concluding cooperation agreements, organizes methodological work with those responsible for the faculty/department and students, conducts work on payment with educational organizations for practice, conducts seminars, meetings with employers, checks all types of practices at two levels of education in academic calendars with curricula, resolves issues affecting the work of the department.
The department is also engaged in planning advanced training of teaching staff and their retraining in order to deepen previously acquired or acquire new professional knowledge and skills in connection with the requirements of scientific and technological progress, economic development, structural changes in production and the social sphere, as well as to meet the individual needs of citizens in improving their professional training. - Areas of work
The main directions of the department’s work are organizing the activities of faculties and departments for designing educational programs at the University; registration of educational programs in the register of international education and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan; coordination of work on the preparation of documents for new educational programs in accordance with the qualification requirements for licensing educational activities; coordination of the work of Academic Committees at faculties; monitoring the effectiveness of the implementation of educational programs.
The department also coordinates the work of planning and organizing professional practice for students at two levels of education, the automation process in AIS Platonus, develops procedural documents for practice, assists in concluding cooperation agreements, organizes methodological work with those responsible for the faculty/department and students, conducts work on payment with educational organizations for practice, conducts seminars, meetings with employers, checks all types of practices at two levels of education in academic calendars with curricula, resolves issues affecting the work of the department.
The department is also engaged in planning advanced training of teaching staff and their retraining in order to deepen previously acquired or acquire new professional knowledge and skills in connection with the requirements of scientific and technological progress, economic development, structural changes in production and the social sphere, as well as to meet the individual needs of citizens in improving their professional training.
- Class schedule
Class schedule for the 1st and 2nd semesters of the 2022-2023 academic year
Lesson schedule for the 1st semester
1. ? "Педагогика және филология" факультетінің сабақ кестесі
2. ? "Технология және дизайн" факультетінің сабақ кестесі
4. ? "Дене шынықтыру және Дизайн" факультетінің сабақ кестесі
3. ? "IT және экономика" факультетінің сабақ кестесі☑ Platonus
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