Congratulations on the prizes
Mankind has long recognized the value of its health and made it the main property of man. A state that strictly adheres to this principle, makes every effort to keep the people's mind healthy and conscious. A healthy nation will be competitive. Therefore, the development of mass sports is one of the strategic priorities of the state. In the program article of the head of state "Landmark in the future: spiritual renewal" is told about participation in physical education and sport, participation in mass sports.
For this purpose, on September 21, 2017, the Youth Policy Department of the South Kazakhstan Region organized sports competitions in 5 kinds of sports in the city of Lenger and Tolebi district, dedicated to the programmatic article "The Orientation for the Future: Spiritual Renewal" of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Nation Leader N.A.Nazarbayev.
Along with hundreds of athletes from 14 regions of the region, the teams on mini-football and volleyball of the University "Syrdaria" took part in these competitions and defended the honor of our district. The members of the "Syrdarya" team performed at the sport competitions. Thus, our team was awarded the II place in volleyball, and also won the II place in mini-football, having received a certificate for 100 000 tenge.
As you know, such sports competitions make athletes famous.
We are confident that they will achieve even greater success.
Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Kylyshev Erlan Akhmetovich