"Tashenev IT Talents" Olympiad
"Tashenev IT Talents" Olympiad among 11th grade students in the field of computer science
On November 20, 2023, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of our university named after Z. A. Tashenev, an Olympiad "Tashenev IT Talents" was held among schoolchildren in the field of computer science. Rector of the University, Doctor of Science, Professor K.S. Baibolov opened the Olympiad and wished the students success. The Olympiad was organized in order to stimulate the educational and cognitive abilities of gifted students, to determine their subject knowledge, and to develop their interest in science. Students of city schools participated in the Olympiad.
The Olympics were held in the 2nd stage.
Phase 1. Test on the subject of information and communication technologies
Phase 2. Programming (Python)
According to the results of the Olympiad, the winning pupils and leaders were awarded by the dean of the "IT, economy and law" faculty B.D. Orazov and the head of the "Information and communication technologies" department S.B. Botaeva, and presented with letters of thanks and gifts.
I-place. Zhumabai Magzhan, a student of general secondary school No. 4, won.
2nd place. Zulpykharova Daniyal, a student of general secondary school No. 66, won.
2nd place. Rahmatullah Ayaulym, a student of general secondary school #43, won.
3rd place. Koyshibai Erasyl, a student of Lyceum No. 23
3rd place. Aliaidar Nurbek, a student of Lyceum No. 23
3rd place. Kemelbek Baurzhan, a student of general secondary school #66
I-place. Alibayeva Akmaral, a teacher of general secondary school #4
2nd place. Kurbankulova Aigul, a teacher of secondary school No. 66
2nd place. Jamalova Baliya, a teacher of general secondary school #43
3rd place. Teacher of school-lyceum No. 23 Tolendieva Gulim III place. Aitbaeva Rahiya, a teacher of general secondary school #66