Public lesson
On October 20, 2023, senior teacher of the Faculty of Primary Education and Art Sarsekenova Azira gave an open lecture on the subject “Natural Science” to 1st year students of groups PIK-23-5k.
Lesson topic: Mountains of Kazakhstan, volcanoes. The following were involved in the lesson: teachers of the department, candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the department Zhapbarova G.A., candidate of pedagogical sciences. associate professor Irmetov O.A., senior teacher, master's degree Arkhabaeva A.K., teacher master's degree Tamabay A.M..
The lecture went according to plan, students actively participated and worked both in groups and individually. The senior teacher of our university skillfully demonstrated his teaching abilities during the lesson, was discussed at the department meeting, and was highly respected by the department teachers.
An open lecture using innovative technology, brainstorming and feedback techniques made the lesson a great success.