The dual system is a requirement of the times. At the suggestion of the rector of the university K. Baibolov, 4th year students defended their theses, attending secondary schools in a dual system. This is done for the first time in the history of our country. To date, this project has been implemented in 2 schools in Shymkent and will become a tradition in the future. Both selected schools are not just educational centers. School-gymnasium No. 38 in the city of Shymkent is one of 6 general educational organizations included in the category of pivotal schools of the Altynsarin National Academy of Education.
Today, in this gymnasium school, graduates of the department "Philology" of the faculty "Pedagogy and Philology" defended their theses. Tashenev University uses such experience for the first time in the country. Tashenev University students defended an educational program to train school teachers in their subjects. This is the result of the work of the university administration to address the issue of teacher training, agreed with the schools. The main goal of the dual system is to meet the standards of the educational institution and the employer. We have signed an agreement with a number of educational organizations in the region to work together from this point of view. The chairman of the final attestation commission of the educational institution and its members, as well as experienced practitioners, that is, school teachers, take part in the defense of the diploma,” said Shynar Nalkhodzhaevna Yergeshbayeva, dean of the faculty of Pedagogy and Philology.
Aizhan Kurishbayeva, Deputy Director of the school-gymnasium No. 38 named after N. Ondasynov for educational work, said that close ties have been established with our university, and that students practice at the school. In addition, she said that the students of this fundamental educational institution are educated, very responsible and polite in dealing with people. She noted that this pilot project will be beneficial to both parties.
The first to defend his thesis was Bagdat Kopzhasar, a 4th year student of the educational program “Teacher Training of the Kazakh Language and Literature”. Senior lecturer Rana Arynbayeva is the supervisor of the thesis on the topic "Kerimbek Syzdykov - Mukhtaranushi scientist".
Baghdad did not let down before the members of the commission and school teachers. He said that this pilot project was the right decision, and since he works as a teacher at the school, he also paid attention to the requirements of teachers during his thesis.