"Financial Policy" open lecture
On September 12, 2024, at 2:30 p.m., in lecture hall 304, the senior lecturer of the "Economics and Management" department S.B. Ashirbaeva held an open lecture on the topic "Financial Policy" from the subject "Introduction to Finance". Temirova Zh. Zh., Saparbaeva E. A., Abdurakhmanova Z. A., senior teacher of the "Law and Business" department, Uysinbaeva K. M. attended the lesson. and other faculty members of the department participated.
The lecture was carried out on the basis of the use of pre-prepared multimedia visual aids. In opening each question of the lecture, the lecturer was able to increase the interest of students by using interactive teaching methods based on the visual principle. In the process of opening the topic, students learned the concept of financial policy, its place in the economic and social policy of the state, the tasks, goals and principles of financial policy, the financial mechanism, its content and structure, financial planning and forecasting and improvement directions in the market environment. The feedback between the lecturer and the students was evident from the fact that he explained them very rationally by calculating them together, from clarifying the information given by completing the test tasks, from the question-and-answer and discussion during the lecture.