The art of Kazakh embroidery
Embroidery is the main element of vintage designs. The history of the Kazakh national embroidery art has its roots in the depths of centuries. Our national art of embroidery, which has been formed for thousands of years, has preserved its values and qualities to this day. Embroidering with us and a simple needle is an art common to all peoples. Embroidery is a real folk art with a wide range of methods and choices. The most ancient forms of embroidery typical of the Kazakh people: we embroider, cross-stitch, cross-stitch, stitch, stitch. We have two types of tables called pitch tables and tread tables.
The embroidery is embroidered on the surface of the material, which is stretched on a round or rectangular beam, by passing it through us according to the pattern.
Pants embroidery is a full embroidered pinch table with no open space or very little open space.
Each part of the material is decorated and embroidered separately in the table.
Pants can be poured on embroidery, colored felt, chests, fleece coats, handkerchiefs, pillowcases, pillows, saukele and many other things, or they can be poured on a separate material. The embroidered table is poured or placed separately on things such as the crown, the child, the region, the collar, the skirt and the corners of the wide boots, the edges of the curtains.
Embroidery classes are also held at the Syrdarya University, Faculty of Design and Art, Tapestry Club. And students of the faculty will take part. Through table threads and fresh compositional ideas, students show their work with good results through their own tables. If these eye-catching works of students are the pride of today's people, then they are an invaluable legacy for tomorrow's future!