Guest speaker: Debate is a way of life, not a game
The next Guest speaker event was organized by SU Students ’Union. This time the speaker is Tabigat Aralbayev, a graduate of Syrdariya University, chairman of the Zhetysai district debate club "Jalyn".
The meeting was held in a free format. Tabigat Aralbayev told the young people about his student life at the university, his first steps in the debate and the first debate, his achievements to date. The young people also listened with interest to interesting discussions about the ways to have an interesting student life, the difficulties encountered during the discussion.
After this interview, the students' interest in the discussion increased. This is because talking to a real debater is different, and the effect of asking him a direct question and getting new information is completely different, - said the students participating in the meeting.
After the interview, the speaker presented the students with an e-book, which will be needed for future debates. The young people thanked and wished them success in their future endeavors.