Azbergenova Zaure Ospanovna

Phone: +7  707 717 60 17


1982-1987 - Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abai. (Teacher of Russian language and literature at the national school)                   

Scientific or academic degree, position: teacher
Subjects taught

•    Russian language
•    Methodology of teaching literature according to the updated program
Field of study

•    Development of students' independent activity
Professional achievements

1) 2022 BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF SHYMKENT LETTER OF THANKS - You are doing great work in providing quality education and conscious education to the young generation, instilling creative activity, using new methods of modern teaching in the way of pedagogic activities..... Registration No. 2266 Head of the Board Zh. Tazhieva
2) 2022 METHODOLOGICAL CENTER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF SHYMKENT LECTURE "Acceptance of technology for the development of critical thinking through reading and teaching of Russian language and literature"
Registration No. 8687        Director               M. Medetbekova
3) in 2022 EDUCATION BOARD OF SHYMKENT CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER DIPLOMA II LEVEL "BEST LESSON PLAN" will be awarded for presenting advanced ideas and practical experience within the framework of improving the quality of education at the city external competition Registration No. 8379 Director M. Medetbekova
4) 2022 GRADUATE OF HONOR OF METHODOLOGICAL CENTER OF EDUCATION BOARD OF SHYMKENT CITY is awarded for its achievements in spiritual and social development of independent Kazakhstan and contribution to education Director M. Medetbekova

1) 2023. Almaty city Republican scientific methodical pedagogical periodical press "Education Science" CERTIFICATE "BILIM ALEMI" publishing house publishes its article through the use of innovative technologies in the content of new education Registration No. 474 Editor-in-Chief Usipbaeva P.M.
2) 2023 Almaty city Republican Scientific Methodological Pedagogical Periodical Press "Education Science" Diploma Special achievement in the 2022-2023 school year is awarded for preparing the article at a high level on the content of providing quality education and conscious education to the future generation of the country Registration No. 474 Editor-in-Chief Usipbaeva P.M.
3) 2023. An article in the newspaper "Education Science" on the topic "Using reception of listening, writing and speaking in lessons of Russian language and literature in the middle level"
4) 2007 Regional Institute of Continuous Education g. Shymkent. UDC 371. 38: 8 Author's program "To the teacher's note - slovesniku" (Methodical manual for Russian language and literature), created in co-authorship with Imankul G.N.
5) 2023. G. Almaty: editorial office "Science of knowledge" UDC 379 BBK 74. 262. 27 Ж 19
ISBN 978 - 601 - 501 - 14 Author's program "Orator's art", co-authored with E. Altybayeva. K.