Zhumabaeva Gulmira Rakhmatullaevna


Phone: +7  701 382 00 88

E-mail: Gulmira.saginai@mail.ru

1989-1994  -  Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University (Teacher of Russian language and literature at the national school)                              

Scientific or academic degree, position    teacher
Subjects taught    •    Russian language
•    Methods of teaching Russian language and literature according to the updated program
Research area:    •    Development of independent activity of students
Professional achievements    •    Certificates of commendation from the City Departament of Education and the «Arman»  Gymnasium(1996-2023)
•    Letters of thanks from the Chamber of Entrepreneurs «Atameken» Concil of Bussiness Women (2020 -2022)
Publications    More than 15 scintific and methodological articles and teaching aids have been published