Musayeva Azadakhan Mubarakovna

lecturer at the Department of Languages and Literature
of a higher educational institution

Musayeva Azadakhan Mubarakovna, teacher of the "Uzbek language and literature" secondary school No.21 named after A.P. Chekhov, a municipal state institution in Shymkent, Turansky district, born on 08/03/1962. She was born into a family of intellectuals in the city of Shymkent. Nationality – Uzbek, education – higher, work experience – 40 years.
        In 1979, she graduated from secondary school No. 21 named after A.P. Chekhov in Shymkent and entered the department of Uzbek Language and Literature of the Philological Faculty of the Nizami Pedagogical Institute in Tashkent. In 1983, she successfully graduated from the specified higher educational institution, began her career as a teacher of Uzbek language and literature at the general secondary school No. 21 named after A.P. Chekhov in Shymkent and currently works at the same school.
Creative achievements:
- Awarded the "Certificate of Honor", "Letter of Thanks" by the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Beisembayev G. for the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan and achievements in education and training of the younger generation. 
- Awarded the certificate of "Excellent Education" by the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- In 2022, she participated in an essay contest on the topic "I am alive, I am eternal when there is my native language" and was awarded a diploma.
- Participated in the International Forum "Global Pedagogical Forum Dubai-2022", held in Dubai, with a report on the topic "Development of creative abilities of students in language and literature lessons" and was awarded a Diploma and Certificate.
- 2022 in Namangan, Republic of Uzbekistan, within the framework of the 110th anniversary of the poet Usmon Nosir, she took part She participated in writing the scientific article "Lyrical poetry of Usmon Nosir" and was awarded a Letter of Thanks from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and her works were published in Uzbek publications.
- In 2023, she took part in an international competition held within the framework of the 930th anniversary of Ahmet Yassawi with a scientific article on the topic "Hikmat izlaganga – hikmatdir dunyo" and was awarded a Diploma of the 1st degree.
- In November 2023, she took part in the online conference "Uzbekistan-India: scientific and cultural cooperation-integration of national and universal" held in India and the article was included in the collection and received a certificate.
- In 2000, the books of the teacher Musayeva Azadakhan Mubarakovna "In the footsteps of goodness" were published, and in 2023 – the books "The Source of Spirituality".
- 2023, within the framework of the 32nd anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "Ilkhomim sen uchun, jonazhon Vatan!" took part in the republican competition on this topic and was awarded a diploma of the first degree.
- In 2023, a scientific article entitled "Soatoi Kamol kizining suz kullash mahorati" was published in the International journal "Suz sanati".
- In 2024, at the international creative competition "Talented Youth", organized by the University named after Zh.Tashenova, the Uzbek ethnic and cultural center "Dustlik", the State Academy of Choreography of the Republic of Uzbekistan, three students of the 11th grade Madina Rahmanberdieva, Rozmatkhan Teshebayeva, Rufina Yuldasheva were awarded a letter of Thanks.
       In addition, Musayeva Azadakhan Mubarakovna's articles were published in Uzbek-language regional newspapers and magazines "Zhanubiy Kazakhstan", "Zhanub zharchilari".
       Musayeva Azadakhan Mubarakovna has been continuously working with honor for 40 years at the comprehensive secondary school No. 21 named after A. P. Chekhov. The students of the teacher, who has a total work experience of more than 40 years, actively participated in city and regional Olympiads and events, literary evenings held on the subject of Uzbek language and literature, and won prizes.