On October 29, 2020, on the occasion of the 1150th anniversary of the birth of Al-Farabi, the Republican platform for exchange of views “Al-Farabi and youth of the XXI century” was organized.

The purpose of the forum is to popularize the concept and knowledge of Al-Farabi, inform about his indelible teachings and knowledge.

Get to know the character of young people in the 21st century, exchange views on what qualities the leading age of their time should have. Strengthening relationships between young leaders.

Good news !!!

A monograph of the candidate of philological sciences, acting assistant professor Abenova L.U. "Creative skill".

In this work, the author tells about the creative workshop of the outstanding writers of the Kazakh people, their skill as epic poets.

Some works of writers that have not been brought to the attention of critics and are not in scientific circulation are studied in detail and theoretically analyzed, so that the author's approach to the topic is considered and evaluated in today's context.

Republican platform for exchange of views on the topic "Al-Farabi and youth of the XXI century"

PROGRAM of the republican platform for exchange of views on the topic "Al-Farabi and youth of the XXI century"

The purpose of the round table: popularization of the concept and knowledge of Al-Farabi among young people in connection with the 1150th anniversary of the birth of Al-Farabi, informing young people about endless teachings and knowledge.

Get to know the character of young people in the 21st century, exchange views on what qualities the best youth of their time should have.

SU TALKS: Pandemic. COVID-19

On October 28, 2020, the Students Union organized an online meeting on the topic "SU TALKS: Pandemic.Covid-19".

The meeting was attended by the general practitioner of diagnostics "Kulparshin" of the city of Zhetysai K.K. Duisenova and the head of the department of medical services of the University of "Syrdariуa" R.A.Mynbaeva.

Doctors shared their new ways to avoid getting the virus and their thoughts on prevention.

Book Fair "Autumn Gifts"


Dear faculty and university students !!!

We invite you to the Autumn Gifts book fair, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of our great scientists Abai Kunanbayev and the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasir Al-Farabi.

We will present you the most interesting and important books of our great scientists.

Come !!!

Look !!!


Venue: Library of the main educational building

Time: from 27.10 to 2.11.2020.


Anti-corruption standards

On October 26, 2020, Meirkhan Myrzakhanuly, Syrdariya University Students Union, head of the department for youth affairs and Mukhtar Beisenbayev, head of the "Adaldyk Alany" Project Council of the Zhetysay district of the Turkestan region discussed the introduction of anti-corruption standards with university students.

In turn, Mukhtar Beisenbaev shared the work done and plans for the future of the "Adaldyk Alany" Project Council.

Open online lesson "Theoretical Foundations of Organic Chemistry"

Educational program: 6В01504 - Training of chemistry and biology teachers
Group: HB-18
Course: 4
Lecturer: PhD. Abdurazova P.A.
Date: 10/26/2020
Discipline: Theoretical Foundations of Organic Chemistry (in English).

Open lesson materials:

Plan of the lesson (Lecture 9)
1. Naming halogencarbons
2. Isometrism
3. Chemical properties

Anti-corruption standards

On October 26, 2020, an online discussion of anti-corruption standards will take place.

Speaker - Mukhtar Beisenbayev, head of the Project Council "Honesty Platform" of the Zhetisay district of the Turkestan region.

Moderator - Meirkhan Myrzakhanovich, Chairman of Syrdariya University Students' Union, Head of the Youth Department.

The online meeting will take place via the Zoom 21 program at 11.00.

ID: 375 174 0323, password: 878787.