Sadikova Dina Narzullaevna

Education: Higher

Academic degree: Master of Science, senior lecturer

Professional specialty: law

Subjects taught: criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Criminology

Work experience in this institution: 1 year

3. Academic experience:

4. Non-Academic Experience:

Raykhan Ayazhan Asanovna

Education: higher
3. Academic degree: Master of Science, Senior Lecturer
4. Professional specialty: jurisprudence
5. Courses taught: Family Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Theory of State and Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
6. Work experience in this institution: 3 years
7. Academic experience:
8. Non-academic experience:

Oralova Zauresh Mekenbaevna

Area of responsibility
Management and control over the methodological work of faculties and departments

Work experience: 29years


- International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmed Yassawi: qualification - economist.
- Syrdarya University:
Bachelor of Pedagogy and Psychology;
Master of Economics
-    Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz State University named after I.Arabaev: postgraduate studies
Professional achievements

Iklasova World Zharbosynova

1995-1997 shymkent college of economics and law, specialty "law and social security", awarded the degree of "lawyer in the field of law and social security". 1998-2001 graduated from the Karaganda Economic University of kazpotrebsoyuz with a degree in Law and received a Bachelor's degree in Law.
2012-2014 Master's degree at Syrdarya University and received an academic Master of Science degree in History.

Work experience in this institution: 14 years

3. Academic experience:

Dosymbekova Rosa Shekerbekovna

Education: higher

Academic degree: Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor

Professional specialty: Law

Study subjects: civil procedure law of RK land law of RK

Work experience in this institution: 2 years

Academic experience:

Non-academic experience:

Certificate or professional registration:
innovative technologies of teaching the discipline" civil law "05-19. 06. 2016 mordovian humanitarian institute, distance learning center" pegasus-saransk " certificate 2016

Membership in professional organizations:

Berdybekov Halykberdy

Higher education.

Academic degree: candidate of economic sciences.

Professional specialty: Accounting.

Courses taught: Macroeconomics, Fundamentals of Accounting

Work experience in the institution: since 2006

Academic experience: 14

Non-Academic Experience: 45

Certificate of professional registration or advanced training, indicating the period:

VAT and CIT and FNO expenses 100.00 versus 300.00. TJD Training Consulting 72 hours, Certificate. 19.02-02.03.2018
Professional member: no

Begulieva Aigerim Tutanovna

Education: Higher

Academic academic degree: Master of Science, teacher

Professional specialty: accounting and auditing

Courses taught: Corporate Finance, Microeconomics, Financial Control and Management Audit.

Work experience in this institution: 11 years

Academic experience:
Non-academic experience:
Certificate of professional registration or professional development, indicating the period:

Bakirov Yerzhan Amangeldievich

Education: Higher

Academic academic degree: Master of Science, Senior Lecturer

Professional specialty: Economist-manager

Courses taught: Economic Theory, Management, Innovation Management.

Work experience in this institution: since 2000

Academic experience: 20

Non-academic experience: no

Certificate of professional registration or professional development, indicating the period:

Adambekova Meiramkul Tungyshbaevna

Education: Higher

Academic academic degree: Master of Science, Senior Lecturer

Professional specialty: accounting and auditing

Courses taught: Fundamentals of Accounting, Introduction to Finance, Financial Markets and Intermediaries.

Work experience in this institution: 15 years

Academic experience: Syrdarya University. Fully employed

Non-academic experience: no