Open educational hour: "May 1, the unity of the people of Kazakhstan"
Today, Mira Ikhlasova, a teacher of the Law-10, 1st year group of the 6B04201 educational program of the Department of Law and Economics of the Syrdarya University, held an open educational hour dedicated to the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan on May 1!
The purpose of the educational hour is to educate students to expand their understanding of unity, cooperation and become citizens who contribute to the strengthening of peace and unity of our multinational people.
During the educational hour, students made presentations and held a proverb contest about nations, friendship, unity and solidarity.
The leader of the group N. Taskara
"The unity of the country is the most precious quality. We need unity, solidarity, common sense, first of all," the President said. The future of a multinational state like ours is the unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan! - summed up the open lesson.